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  1. Vitalie Rimbaud. Arthur Rimbaud på Commons. Jean Nicolas Arthur Rimbaud ( 20. oktober 1854 – 10. november 1891) var ein fransk poet som vart fødd i Charleville i Ardennes, nordaust i landet. Han vart fødd som det andre barnet i familien, og fekk sidan tre småsysken. Faren var infanterikaptein, og var berre heime hjå familien når han ...

  2. Arthur Rimbaud. Septyniolikmečio A. Rembo portretas, 1872 m. Žanas Nikolas Artūras Rembo ( Jean Nicolas Arthur Rimbaud, 1854 m. spalio 20 d. – 1891 m. lapkričio 10 d.) – prancūzų poetas, vienas aktyviausių dekadentų. Garsiausius savo kūrinius sukūrė dar paauglystėje.

  3. Jan 14, 2003 · Remedying this state of affairs is Rimbaud Complete, the first and only truly complete edition of Rimbaud’s work in English, translated, edited, and introduced by Wyatt Mason.Mason draws on a century of Rimbaud scholarship to choreograph a superbly clear-eyed presentation of the poet’s works. He arranges Rimbaud’s writing chronologically ...

  4. Arthur Rimbaud var en af de mest banebrydende franske digtere i sidste halvdel af 1800-tallet. Hans få hektisk produktive år 1870-1874 markerer litteraturhistorisk et brud med de sidste udløbere af den romantiske lyrik.

  5. Biography Arthur Rimbaud. Jean-Nicolas-Arthur Rimbaud was born on the 20th of October, 1854 in the town Charleville in Ardennes, the north-east of France in the bourgeois family. Since childhood Arthur was God-fearing and obedient. He studied brilliantly. He read a lot, liked the works of F. Rabelais and В.

  6. Like. “True alchemy lies in this formula: ‘Your memory and your senses are but the nourishment of your creative impulse’.”. ― Arthur Rimbaud, Illuminations. tags: art , creativity , writing. 278 likes. Like. “A poet makes himself a visionary through a long, boundless, and systematized disorganization of all the senses.

  7. Sep 13, 2023 · On the 150th anniversary of the publication of 19th-century French poet Arthur Rimbaud’s Une Saison en Enfer (‘A Season in Hell’), Galerie Gallimard in Paris exhibits a shrine to the ‘gutter prince’ of poetry, assembled from the photographs, writings and drawings of Patti Smith, the artist and godmother of punk to whom Rimbaud was an eternal flame and muse