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  1. Couroupita guianensis, known by a variety of common names including cannonball tree, is a deciduous tree in the flowering plant family Lecythidaceae.

  2. cannonball tree, (Couroupita guianensis), tall, soft-wooded tree, of the family Lecythidaceae, native to northeastern South America and notable for its large, spherical woody fruit, which resembles a rusty cannonball.

  3. Jan 31, 2013 · The cannon ball tree is planted in gardens because the flowers, arranged on long stalks projecting from the trunk, are large, beautiful, pleasantly aromatic, and unlike any other flower a newcomer to the tropics has ever seen.

  4. Dec 21, 2022 · The cannonball tree (Couroupita guianensis) is a deciduous tropical tree that hails from the rainforest regions of the Guianas Island. It is a soft-wooded relative of the Brazil nut family and grows to some 75 feet (25 m.) tall.

  5. Cannonball Tree Facts. Quite amazingly, the attention-grabbing term of Cannonball Tree serves as the common name for the Couroupita guianensis. This truly awesome tree quite clearly stands out. It also represents a highly distinctive tree native to only a specific portion of the world.

  6. Cannonball Tree is a large deciduous tropical tree 75' tall and indigenous to the Amazon rainforest. The leaves, up to 6" long, are simple with serrate margin. It flowers in racemes which cauliflorus.

  7. Couroupita guianensis, commonly known as cannonball tree, is a soft-wooded, deciduous tropical tree of the Brazil nut family that typically matures to 50-75’ (infrequently to 100’) tall.

  8. The Cannon Ball Tree (Couroupita guianensis) produces fragrant inflorescences that last for a day. These inflorescences are borne on thick tangled branches that grow up to 3 m long and cover the lower trunk, especially in older trees.

  9. May 20, 2024 · Common name: cannonball tree (English) Family: Lecythidaceae (Brazil-nut) Distribution: Central & South America. Life form: Tree. Description: Couroupita guianensis is native to South America and is known for its remarkable flowers borne on specialized branches in the lower trunk.

  10. Cannon Ball Tree. Native to Trinidad and the northern regions of South America, the Cannon Ball Tree is a beautiful tree with a fascinating and curious form. The name ' Couroupita ' comes from the South American common name for this plant ( kouroupitoumou ); and ' guianensis ' means from the Guianas, a region in north-central South America.