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  1. Goethe szülőháza Frankfurtban, Németországban (Grosser Hirschgraben) Édesapja, Johann Caspar Goethe (Frankfurt, 1710. július 29. – Frankfurt, 1782. május 25.), 38 éves korában, 1748. augusztus 20-án, Frankfurtban feleségül vette az akkor még csupán 17 éves Catharina Elisabeth Textort (Frankfurt, 1731. február 19.

  2. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe Goethe was born into a middle-class family in Frankfurt am Main on 28 August 1749.In accordance with his father's wishes he studied law at Leipzig, where he came under the influence of the poet C. F. Gellert, who introduced him to such English writers as Sterne, Young, and Richardson.

  3. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe nasceu em 28 de agosto de 1749 em Frankfurt am Main, Alemanha. Era o filho mais velho de Johann Caspar Goethe (Frankfurt am Main, 29 de Julho de 1710 – Frankfurt am Main, 25 de Maio de 1782). Homem culto, jurista que não exerceu a profissão, Caspar vivia dos rendimentos de sua fortuna.

  4. 3 days ago · Johann Wolfgang von Goethe - German Poet, Dramatist, Novelist: Work on Faust accompanied Goethe throughout his adult life. Of a possible plan in 1769 to dramatize the story of the man who sold his soul to the Devil in exchange for earthly fulfillment, perhaps including his ultimate redemption, no firm evidence survives. In its first known form, Goethe’s version already contains the feature that most decisively differentiates it from its predecessors, the 16th-century German chapbooks about ...

  5. May 30, 2024 · Johann Wolfgang von Goethe - German Poet, Dramatist, Novelist: Goethe was a contemporary of thinkers—Kant, Herder, Fichte, Schelling, Hegel, Wilhelm and Alexander von Humboldt—who carried out an intellectual revolution that is at the basis of most modern thinking about religion, art, society, and thought itself. He knew most of these people well, furthered the careers of several of them, promoted many of their ideas, and expressed his reaction to them in his literary works. The age they ...

  6. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe je bil rojen 28. avgusta 1749 v današnji Goethejevi hiši v ulici »Großer Hirschgraben« v Frankfurtu.Njegov oče Johann Caspar Goethe (1710–1782) svojega pravniškega poklica ni opravljal, temveč se je preživljal s prihodki od svojega premoženja, ki so kasneje tudi njegovemu sinu omogočili finančno preskrbljenost.

  7. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe Gedichte Inhaltsverzeichnis. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe; Erster Teil; Lieder. An die Günstigen; Der neue Amadis. Stirbt der Fuchs, so gilt der Balg