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  1. de- 的意思: 在英语中,活跃的构词成分,许多动词源自法语和拉丁语,来自拉丁语 de"向下,从下,从,离开; 关于"(见 de),在拉丁语中也用作前缀,通常表示 "向下,离开,远离,从中间,从下面",但也表示 "到底部,完全",因此在许多英语单词中表示 "完全"(强调或完成),作为其意义。

  2. dē \deː\ suivi de l’ablatif. De.Note : marque la séparation, l’éloignement d’un objet avec lequel il y avait contact, union, association → voir ex, « de l’intérieur de ».

  3. DE- meaning: 1 : do the opposite of; 2 : remove (a specified thing) from something

  4. Prefixes are key morphemes in English vocabulary that begin words. The English prefix de-, which means “off” or “from,” appears in hundreds of English vocabulary words, such as dejected, deduce, and deficient.

  5. DeepL Write ist ein KI-Schreibassistent, der Ihnen hilft, bessere Texte zu schreiben. Überzeugen Sie mit einem klaren, präzisen und fehlerfreien Schreibstil. Jetzt kostenlos testen!

  6. (masculine): Three territories must be distinguished: 1.) Ripuarian, in which the accusative takes the form of the nominative; 2.) western Moselle Franconian, in which the nominative takes the form of the accusative; 3.) eastern Moselle Franconian, in which nominative and accusative are distinct.

  7. Translate millions of words and phrases for free on, the world's largest Spanish-English dictionary and translation website.

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