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  1. The stages of money-laundering include: Placement (i.e. moving the funds from direct association with the crime) Layering (i.e. disguising the trail to foil pursuit) Integration (i.e. making the money available to the criminal, once again, from what seem to be legitimate sources) The placement stage represents the initial entry of the proceeds ...

  2. The stages of money-laundering include: Placement (i.e. moving the funds from direct association with the crime) Layering (i.e. disguising the trail to foil pursuit) Integration (i.e. making the money available to the criminal, once again, from what seem to be legitimate sources) The placement stage represents the initial entry of the proceeds ...

  3. The money laundering process can be broken down into three stages. First, the illegal activity that garners the money places it in the launderer’s hands. Second, the launderer passes the money through a complex scheme of transactions to obscure who initially received the money from the criminal enterprise. Third, the scheme returns the money ...

  4. Money laundering is the process of making illegally-gained proceeds (i.e., "dirty money") appear legal (i.e., "clean"). Typically, it involves three steps: placement, layering, and integration. First, the illegitimate funds are furtively introduced into the legitimate financial system.

  5. Apr 25, 2024 · Money laundering stage #1: placement Placement of illegal funds into the financial system may happen directly or indirectly. The most popular method used in the placement stage is to divide large amounts of cash into less suspicious smaller sums, which can then be deposited into a single bank account or several bank accounts (which could involve the ‘smurfing’ technique).

  6. Mar 21, 2024 · The 3 stages of money laundering. The three stages of money laundering are placement, layering and integration. Placement: This involves finding a place to launder the money, usually a business or other third party. Layering: Criminals will then use bookkeeping and other practices to make the transaction appear legitimate.

  7. Oct 5, 2020 · Money laundering schemes vary in their complexity and methods, but there are three common stages for successful laundering: Placement, Layering and Integration. Let us look at the individual stages. Placement is the term given to the process of moving dirty cash into the legitimate economy and further away from its illegal source . 1. The ...