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  1. Aug 10, 2020 · Real name: Artašata. As satrap of Armenia, Artašata fights against the Cadusians; he receives the surname Codomannus, which may mean "war-minded". 338, between 26 August and 25 September: death of Artaxerxes III Ochus (natural causes Diodorus ' story about poisoning is contradicted by BM 71537) Accession of Artaxerxes IV Arses.

  2. Defeat at Gaugamela and the surrender of the Achaemend capitals ended Darius’ hopes for victory and the recovery of his empire. There was some talk of gathering new forces from central Asia, but his political enemies, Bessus and Nabarzanes, were already plotting to arrest the king and turn him over to the Conqueror.

  3. Sep 17, 2007 · On September 30, 331 bc, the fate of two empires was decided on a plain 70 miles north of present-day Irbil, Iraq. Lying near the hamlet of Gaugamela, the plain was part of a vast territory north of the Persian provincial capital of Babylon where King Darius III, also known as Darius Codomanus, had mustered an army formidable enough, he hoped, to halt the invasion of the Persian-dominated lands of the eastern Mediterranean by Macedonian forces.

  4. Darius and Cyrus were the commanders of Belshazzar's two legions. When they saw him in a debauched state, they made him descend from his throne, deprived him of his crown and of his royal robes, and left him standing in his shameful nakedness (Esth. R. iii. 1; compare David Luria ad loc.). According to another version, Darius and Cyrus were ...

  5. Darius III (c. 380—330 bc) Quick Reference. Acceded to the throne of Persia after the assassination of Artaxerxēs IV (336 bc). Since antiquity he has been judged ...

  6. Darius III. Parmenio. Battle of Issus, (333 bce ), conflict early in Alexander the Great’s invasion of Asia in which he defeated a Persian army under King Darius III. This was one of the decisive victories by which Alexander conquered the Achaemenian Empire. Issus is a plain on the coast of the Gulf of İskenderun, in present-day southern Turkey.

  7. Darius III appears in the singularity under the name Takeda Darius, and because of his madness, his roars are translated by his subordinate, Sanada Medusa. Encountering Ritsuka, Mash, Okita, and Nobunaga, Takeda tells them he’ll settle his match with Nobunaga, and that they shall bare their corpses before his cavalry.