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  1. Planetary Flyby's: What you need to know. The first successful planetary flyby ever made was performed the 14 th December 1962 by the Mariner 2 NASA spacecraft with the planet Venus, but it was with the Mariner 10 mission, thanks to an intuition of the italian Mathematician Giuseppe (Bepi) Colombo in 1970, that we use now the flyby as orbital correction maneuver.

  2. The Italian mathematician and engineer, Giuseppe (Bepi) Colombo (1920-1984), who played a crucial role in the first mission to Mercury. Last Update: 1 September 2019.

  3. Dr. Giuseppe Colombo. Who I am “The righteous is the most beautiful. Hate excess, respect the limit.” ...

  4. Aug 17, 2021 · When ESA and JAXA sat down to figure out a name for their new Mercury probe, they would have come across an important name early in their research – Giuseppe “Bepi” Colombo – the man who helped plan the Mariner 10 Mercury mission. Giuseppe Colombo was an Italian rocket scientist born in 1920 in Padua.

  5. Giuseppe Colombo (1920-1984) ESA’s Science Programme Committee recognized the achievements of the late Giuseppe (Bepi) Colombo of the University of Padua by adopting his name for the Mercury Cornerstone. Giuseppe Colombo was a mathematician and engineer of astonishing imagination. The Italian scientist

  6. Giuseppe Colombo (Pàdua, 2 d'octubre 1920-Pàdua, 20 de febrer de 1984), més conegut pel seu sobrenom Bepi Colombo, va ser un científic italià, matemàtic i enginyer a la Universitat de Pàdua, Itàlia.

  7. The Italian engineer and mathematician Giuseppe 'Bepi' Colombo is regarded as the inventor of gravity assist manoeuvres, more commonly referred to as planetary flybys. Put simply, when a spacecraft passes close to a planet, its speed and trajectory can be altered without the expenditure of propellant.