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  1. 知乎,让每一次点击都充满意义 —— 欢迎来到知乎,发现问题背后的世界。

  2. May 19, 2016 · The United States / The U.S / The States / States = 美国. American = 美国人 或 偶尔指美洲人. America = 美洲 或 非正式地美国. The Americas = 美洲诸国. 语境感受是,The United States是最准确、甚至有些“政治正确”的对美国的简称。. 就像African American一样,说出来不一定最简便 ...

  3. 我在上班时写邮件 一般正式就写United States 非正式写US 或者 within the states . 美国人反而很少用America 感觉习惯上泛指美洲 发布于 2021-08-11 11:22

  4. Jun 2, 2020 · The US state of Maine shares a 611-mile (983 km) long border with Quebec and New Brunswick, the third longest state boundary with Canada. Between 1838 and 1839, Maine and New Brunswick engaged in territorial disputes over the boundary. In 1842, the United Kingdom and the United States signed in the Webster–Ashburton Treaty that formally ended the dispute. The Aroostook Valley Country Club is located along the border and extends to both countries. There are 24 land border-crossing points ...

  5. 美国的国名 United States (合州国) 有s, 而英国的国名 United Kingdom (联合王国) 没有s? 美国是各个state的… 显示全部 关注者 23 被浏览 16,174

  6. Apr 26, 2012 · 从通常意义来看,美国(America)和美利坚合众国(United States)的具体区分在哪些地方?United States 与 USA 之间的细微差别是否可忽略不计?

  7. the 发音的一般规则即 遇到元音需变音<thee>适用于绝大多数情况,但不绝对. 个人理解:变音的本质是强调,由于发音的基本区别(元音是畅通的音,辅音有各种阻碍)导致元音比辅音开头的单词 听起来较“弱“,而<thee>比the 语气更强, 从而起到充实语气的作用。(类似的情况,a 变 an , 其实本质上是在元音单词前加上了了辅音n, 如: an apple) 题主听到的在 非元音前的变音 ...

  8. 1 个回答. 区别就好比China和the People's Republic,后者是国家形式,前者是国名。. 世界上只有一个United States,所以可以用它来代指美国. 至于使用的区别,似乎只是习惯问题. 听力里一会儿用America 一会儿用the United States ,这二者有什么区别吗?.

  9. Jul 15, 2014 · When this land first became a nation, after winning its independence(独立)from England, it had thirteen states. Each of the states was represented(代表)on the American flag by a star. All these states were in the eastern part of the continent. As the nation grew toward the west, new states were added and new stars appeared on the flag. For a long time, there were 48 stars. In 1959, however, two more stars were added to the flag, representing the new states of Alaska and Hawaii.

  10. Apr 3, 2011 · The United States is composed of fifty states,two of _____ are separated from the选B。解析:因为没有出现连词,所以可以排除them和those,因为如果填这两个词,逗号前后就变成了两个句子,而逗号是不能连接句

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