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  1. Jan 29, 2018 · Vikriti shows the Vyadhi bala i.e. the strength of a disease or doshas, which is important to plan a treatment protocol effective enough to abort the disease process following the strength of the disease and the doshas involved.

  2. Vi-krititah pareeksha is for vyadhi bala pra-mana.6 Sushrutha mentions about sthaulya, karshya and Madhya shareera, among them madhya shareera is considered balavan. One who consumes food which is not exces-sive unctuous and dry, digested annarasa circulates all over the body and nourishes all dhatus equally.

  3. May 5, 2017 · Rogi Pareeksha and Roga Pareeksha together forms the basis of a comprehensive protocol of examination wherein the exact nature of the disease and diseased would be clearly known. Pareeksha helps in –. Proper diagnosis of a disease. Proper assessment of disease process, step-by-step.

  4. Pariksha like Trividha Pariksha, Chaturvidha Pariksha, Shadvidha Pariksha, Ashtavidha Pa-riksha, Dashavidha Pariksha which helps in diagnosis of the disease and to plan treatment. Acharya Charaka has explained the importance of Dashavidha Pariksha. It can be applied to know the Bala Pramana of both Aatura (pa-tient) and Roga (di sease).

  5. While performing the classical ayurveda treatment; most essentially deha bala, dosha bala and aushadha bala are mainly taken into account. For the assessment of these trios dashavidha pariksha is to be carried out for understanding the person in account of his total bala and counter to its aushadha bala has to evaluate.

  6. Jul 15, 2015 · Bala is widely described in Āyurvedic texts in different-different contexts. Among the explanation given are, bala is one which prevents the disease (roga), one which is adhiṣṭhāna of ārogya and treatment is given for protecting it. Thus assessment of bala of an individual is important.

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  8. Roga Pariksha: For the diagnosis & prognosis of the disease. In this nidanapanchaka has been described i.e. nidana (etiology), purvaroopa (premonitory signs and symptoms), linga (sign and symptoms), upashaya (explorative therapies), & samprapti (pathogenesis). These five means helps in diagnosis of disease [8].