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    • Indian multinational technology company

      • One97 Communications Ltd is an Indian multinational technology company, headquartered in Noida, Uttar Pradesh, India. It was founded in 2000 by Vijay Shekhar Sharma.
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  2. One97 Communications Ltd is an Indian multinational technology company, headquartered in Noida, Uttar Pradesh, India. [1] It was founded in 2000 by Vijay Shekhar Sharma. Through its subsidiaries and businesses, the company offers digital payment and financial services to consumers and merchants in India.

    • III.
    • One 97 Communications Limited
    • Other Information
    • Auditor’s Responsibilities for the Audit of the Standalone Financial Statements
    • Management’s Responsibility for Internal Financial Controls
    • Meaning of Internal Financial Controls with reference to financial statements
    • Inherent Limitations of Internal Financial Controls with reference to financial statements
    • Standalone Statement of Profit and Loss for the year ended March 31, 2021 (Amounts in INR Crores, unless otherwise stated)
    • a. Current versus non-current classification
    • c. Fair value measurement
    • d. Revenue recognition
    • Sale of services
    • Commission
    • Service fees from merchants
    • Other operating revenue
    • Current income tax
    • Deferred tax
    • Taxes paid on acquisition of assets or on incurring expenses
    • f. Non-current assets held for sale and discontinued operations
    • h. Intangible assets
    • Research and development costs
    • i. Borrowing costs
    • j. Impairment of non-financial assets
    • k. Provisions and contingencies
    • l. Retirement and other employee benefits
    • i) Equity-settled transactions
    • n. Financial instruments
    • Financial assets
    • Offsetting of financial instruments
    • The Company as a lessee
    • r. Treasury shares
    • t. Use of estimates
    • u. Exceptional Items
    • 31. Financial risk management objectives and policies
    • a. Market Risk
    • (ii) Price risk
    • As at March 31, 2020
    • (Amounts in INR Crores, unless otherwise stated)
    • b. Credit Risk
    • (i) Trade receivables
    • Expected credit loss for trade receivable under simplified approach- year ended March 31, 2020
    • c. Liquidity Risk
    • 32. Capital Management
    • 33. Segment Reporting
    • Other Information
    • Auditor’s Responsibilities for the Audit of the Consolidated Financial Statements
    • Meaning of Internal Financial Controls with reference to financial statements
    • financial
    • 2.3 Basis of consolidation
    • Consolidation procedures:
    • 2.4 Investment in associates and joint ventures
    • a. Current versus non-current classification
    • b. Foreign currencies
    • Group companies
    • c. Fair value measurement
    • d. Revenue recognition
    • Sale of services
    • Commission
    • Service fees from merchants
    • Other operating revenue
    • Interest income
    • Current income tax
    • Deferred tax
    • Minimum alternate tax
    • Taxes paid on acquisition of assets or on incurring expenses
    • f. Non-current assets held for sale and discontinued operations
    • g. Property, plant and equipment
    • h. Intangible assets
    • Research and development costs
    • i. Borrowing costs
    • j. Impairment of non-financial assets
    • k. Provisions and contingencies
    • l. Retirement and other employee benefits
    • i) Equity-settled transactions
    • ii) Cash-settled transactions
    • n. Financial instruments
    • Financial assets
    • Financial liabilities
    • Offsetting of financial instruments
    • o. Cash and cash equivalents
    • The Group as a lessee
    • q. Earnings/ (loss) per share (EPS)
    • r. Treasury shares
    • t. Use of estimates
    • u. Exceptional Items
    • 32. Financial risk management objectives and policies
    • a. Market Risk
    • Price risk
    • Foreign currency risk
    • The carrying amounts of the Group’s financial assets and liabilities denominated in United States Dollar (USD) are as follows:
    • b. Credit Risk
    • (i) Trade receivables
    • Expected credit loss for trade receivable under simplified approach- year ended March 31, 2020
    • c. Liquidity Risk
    • 33. Capital Management
    • 34. Segment Reporting
    • 36. Impairment review of goodwill and other intangible assets arising on Consolidation
    • Carrying amount of Goodwill (net of impairment):-
    • b) Wasteland India Private Limited:

    Pursuant to the provisions of the Companies Act, 2013, the Board has undergone peer evaluation of all Board members, annual performance evaluation of its own performance, as well as the evaluation of the working of the Board Committees. This evaluation is led by the Chairman of the Board or Nomination and Compensation Committee with specific focus ...

    Your Company has established a robust system of internal controls to ensure that assets are safeguarded and transactions are appropriately authorized, recorded and reported. The Company’s internal control system comprises internal audit carried out by KPMG, Chartered Accountants and periodical review by management. The Audit Committee of the Board ...

    The Company has a robust Risk Management Framework to identify, evaluate business risks and opportunities. This framework seeks to create transparency, minimize adverse impact on the business objectives and enhance the Company’s competitive advantage. The business risk framework defines the risk management approach across the enterprise at various ...

    The Company has adopted a Vigil Mechanism/ Anti Bribery & Whistle Blower Policy to deal with instance of fraud and mismanagement, if any. The policy aims that its directors, officers and employees strictly comply with all applicable laws and regulations and observe the highest standards of business ethics in India and foreign countries. In addition...

    Being in service sector, the particulars relating to conservation of energy, technology absorption as required to be disclosed under the Act are not applicable to the Company.

    Except as disclosed elsewhere in the report, there have been no material changes and commitments, which can affect the financial position of the Company between the end of the financial year and the date of report. The Board of Directors informs the member that during the financial year there has been no material changes, except as disclosed else...

    Your Company strives to attain high standards of corporate governance while interacting with all the stakeholders. The increasing diversity of the investing community and the integrated nature of global capital markets render corporate governance a vital issue for investors. The Company believes that timely disclosures, transparent accounting polic...

    The Board of Directors of the Company is duly constituted with proper balance of Executive Directors, Non-Executive Directors and Independent Directors. The changes in the composition of the Board of Directors that took place during the period under review were carried out in compliance with the provisions of the Act.

    Our Secretarial Audit Report of even date is to be read along with this letter: Maintenance of secretarial records is the responsibility of the management of the Company. Our Responsibility is to express an opinion on these secretarial records based on our audit. We have followed the audit practices and processes as were appropriate to obtain rea...

    5. The Company’s Board of Directors is responsible for the other information. The other information comprises the information included in the Board's Report but does not include the Standalone Financial Statements and our auditor’s report thereon. Our opinion on the Standalone Financial Statements does not cover the other information and we do not ...

    8. Our objectives are to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the Standalone Financial Statements as a whole are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error, and to issue an auditor’s report that includes our opinion. Reasonable assurance is a high level of assurance, but is not a guarantee that an audit conducted in accorda...

    2. The Company’s management is responsible for establishing and maintaining internal financial controls based on the internal control over financial reporting criteria established by the Company considering the essential components of internal control stated in the Guidance Note on Audit of Internal Financial Controls Over Financial Reporting issue...

    6. A company's internal financial controls with reference to financial statements is a process designed to provide reasonable assurance regarding the reliability of financial reporting and the preparation of financial statements for external purposes in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles. A company's internal financial control...

    7. Because of the inherent limitations of internal financial controls with reference to financial statements, including the possibility of collusion or improper management override of controls, material misstatements due to error or fraud may occur and not be detected. Also, projections of any evaluation of the internal financial controls with refe...

    The above Standalone Statement of Profit and Loss should be read in conjunction with the accompanying notes. This is the Standalone Statement of Profit and Loss referred to in our report of even date.

    The Company presents assets and liabilities in the balance sheet based on current / non-current classification. An asset is classified as current when it is expected to be realised or intended to be sold or consumed in normal operating cycle, held primarily for the purpose of trading, expected to be realised within twelve months after the reporti...

    The Company measures certain financial instruments (e.g. investments) at fair value at each balance sheet date. Fair value is the price that would be received to sell an asset or paid to transfer a liability in an orderly transaction between market participants at the measurement date. The fair value measurement is based on the presumption that...

    Revenue is measured based on the consideration specified in a contract with a customer net of variable consideration e.g. discounts, volume rebates, any payments made to a customer (unless the payment is for a distinct good or service received from the customer) and excludes amounts collected on behalf of third parties. The Company recognises reven...

    Revenue from services is recognized when the control in services is transferred as per the terms of the agreement with customer i.e. as and when services are rendered. Revenues are disclosed net of the Goods and Service tax charged on such services. In terms of the contract, excess of revenue over the billed at the year-end is carried in the balanc...

    The Company facilitates recharge of talk time, bill payments and availability of bus tickets and earns commission for the respective services. Commission income is recognized when the control in services is transferred to the customer when the services have been provided by the Company.

    The Company earns service fee from merchants and recognizes such revenue when the control in services have been transferred by the Company i.e. as and when services have been provided by the Company. Such service fee is generally determined as a percentage of transaction value executed by the merchants. Amount received by the Company pending settle...

    Where the Company is contractually entitled to receive claims/compensation in case of non-discharge of obligations by customers, such claims/compensations are measured at amount receivable from such customers and are recognised as other operating revenue when there is a reasonable certainty that the Company will be able to realize the said amounts.

    Current income tax assets and liabilities are measured at the amount expected to be recovered from or paid to the taxation authorities. The tax rates and tax laws used to compute the amount are those that are enacted or substantively enacted, at the reporting date in the countries where the Company operates and generates taxable income. Current inc...

    Deferred tax is provided using the liability method on temporary differences between the tax bases of assets and liabilities and their carrying amounts for financial reporting purposes at the reporting date. Deferred tax liabilities are recognised for all taxable temporary differences, except: When the deferred tax liability arises from the initial...

    Assets are recognised net of the amount of GST paid, except when the tax incurred on a purchase of assets is not recoverable from the taxation authority, in which case, the tax paid is recognised as part of the cost of acquisition of the asset Expenses are recognised net of the amount of GST paid, except when the tax incurred on a purchase of servi...

    The Company classifies non-current assets and disposal groups as held for sale if their carrying amounts will be recovered principally through a sale rather than through continuing use. Actions required to complete the sale should indicate that it is unlikely that significant changes to the sale will be made or that the decision to sell will be wit...

    “The Company is in the business of being a market place to sell tickets for live events through its portal and conduct partnership events. The outbreak of Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic globally and in India is causing significant disturbance and slowdown of economic activity. Measures taken to contain the spread of the virus, inclu...

    “The Company is in the business of being a market place to sell tickets for live events through its portal and conduct partnership events. The outbreak of Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic globally and in India is causing significant disturbance and slowdown of economic activity. Measures taken to contain the spread of the virus, inclu...

    “The Company is in the business of being a market place to sell tickets for live events through its portal and conduct partnership events. The outbreak of Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic globally and in India is causing significant disturbance and slowdown of economic activity. Measures taken to contain the spread of the virus, inclu...

    “The Company is in the business of being a market place to sell tickets for live events through its portal and conduct partnership events. The outbreak of Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic globally and in India is causing significant disturbance and slowdown of economic activity. Measures taken to contain the spread of the virus, inclu...

    “The Company is in the business of being a market place to sell tickets for live events through its portal and conduct partnership events. The outbreak of Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic globally and in India is causing significant disturbance and slowdown of economic activity. Measures taken to contain the spread of the virus, inclu...

    “The Company is in the business of being a market place to sell tickets for live events through its portal and conduct partnership events. The outbreak of Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic globally and in India is causing significant disturbance and slowdown of economic activity. Measures taken to contain the spread of the virus, inclu...

    “The Company is in the business of being a market place to sell tickets for live events through its portal and conduct partnership events. The outbreak of Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic globally and in India is causing significant disturbance and slowdown of economic activity. Measures taken to contain the spread of the virus, inclu...

    “The Company is in the business of being a market place to sell tickets for live events through its portal and conduct partnership events. The outbreak of Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic globally and in India is causing significant disturbance and slowdown of economic activity. Measures taken to contain the spread of the virus, inclu...

    “The Company is in the business of being a market place to sell tickets for live events through its portal and conduct partnership events. The outbreak of Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic globally and in India is causing significant disturbance and slowdown of economic activity. Measures taken to contain the spread of the virus, inclu...

    “The Company is in the business of being a market place to sell tickets for live events through its portal and conduct partnership events. The outbreak of Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic globally and in India is causing significant disturbance and slowdown of economic activity. Measures taken to contain the spread of the virus, inclu...

    “The Company is in the business of being a market place to sell tickets for live events through its portal and conduct partnership events. The outbreak of Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic globally and in India is causing significant disturbance and slowdown of economic activity. Measures taken to contain the spread of the virus, inclu...

    “The Company is in the business of being a market place to sell tickets for live events through its portal and conduct partnership events. The outbreak of Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic globally and in India is causing significant disturbance and slowdown of economic activity. Measures taken to contain the spread of the virus, inclu...

    “The Company is in the business of being a market place to sell tickets for live events through its portal and conduct partnership events. The outbreak of Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic globally and in India is causing significant disturbance and slowdown of economic activity. Measures taken to contain the spread of the virus, inclu...

    “The Company is in the business of being a market place to sell tickets for live events through its portal and conduct partnership events. The outbreak of Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic globally and in India is causing significant disturbance and slowdown of economic activity. Measures taken to contain the spread of the virus, inclu...

    “The Company is in the business of being a market place to sell tickets for live events through its portal and conduct partnership events. The outbreak of Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic globally and in India is causing significant disturbance and slowdown of economic activity. Measures taken to contain the spread of the virus, inclu...

    “The Company is in the business of being a market place to sell tickets for live events through its portal and conduct partnership events. The outbreak of Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic globally and in India is causing significant disturbance and slowdown of economic activity. Measures taken to contain the spread of the virus, inclu...

    “The Company is in the business of being a market place to sell tickets for live events through its portal and conduct partnership events. The outbreak of Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic globally and in India is causing significant disturbance and slowdown of economic activity. Measures taken to contain the spread of the virus, inclu...

    “The Company is in the business of being a market place to sell tickets for live events through its portal and conduct partnership events. The outbreak of Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic globally and in India is causing significant disturbance and slowdown of economic activity. Measures taken to contain the spread of the virus, inclu...

    “The Company is in the business of being a market place to sell tickets for live events through its portal and conduct partnership events. The outbreak of Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic globally and in India is causing significant disturbance and slowdown of economic activity. Measures taken to contain the spread of the virus, inclu...

    “The Company is in the business of being a market place to sell tickets for live events through its portal and conduct partnership events. The outbreak of Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic globally and in India is causing significant disturbance and slowdown of economic activity. Measures taken to contain the spread of the virus, inclu...

    “The Company is in the business of being a market place to sell tickets for live events through its portal and conduct partnership events. The outbreak of Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic globally and in India is causing significant disturbance and slowdown of economic activity. Measures taken to contain the spread of the virus, inclu...

    “The Company is in the business of being a market place to sell tickets for live events through its portal and conduct partnership events. The outbreak of Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic globally and in India is causing significant disturbance and slowdown of economic activity. Measures taken to contain the spread of the virus, inclu...

    “The Company is in the business of being a market place to sell tickets for live events through its portal and conduct partnership events. The outbreak of Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic globally and in India is causing significant disturbance and slowdown of economic activity. Measures taken to contain the spread of the virus, inclu...

    “The Company is in the business of being a market place to sell tickets for live events through its portal and conduct partnership events. The outbreak of Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic globally and in India is causing significant disturbance and slowdown of economic activity. Measures taken to contain the spread of the virus, inclu...

    “The Company is in the business of being a market place to sell tickets for live events through its portal and conduct partnership events. The outbreak of Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic globally and in India is causing significant disturbance and slowdown of economic activity. Measures taken to contain the spread of the virus, inclu...

    “The Company is in the business of being a market place to sell tickets for live events through its portal and conduct partnership events. The outbreak of Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic globally and in India is causing significant disturbance and slowdown of economic activity. Measures taken to contain the spread of the virus, inclu...

    “The Company is in the business of being a market place to sell tickets for live events through its portal and conduct partnership events. The outbreak of Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic globally and in India is causing significant disturbance and slowdown of economic activity. Measures taken to contain the spread of the virus, inclu...

    “The Company is in the business of being a market place to sell tickets for live events through its portal and conduct partnership events. The outbreak of Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic globally and in India is causing significant disturbance and slowdown of economic activity. Measures taken to contain the spread of the virus, inclu...

    “The Company is in the business of being a market place to sell tickets for live events through its portal and conduct partnership events. The outbreak of Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic globally and in India is causing significant disturbance and slowdown of economic activity. Measures taken to contain the spread of the virus, inclu...

    “The Company is in the business of being a market place to sell tickets for live events through its portal and conduct partnership events. The outbreak of Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic globally and in India is causing significant disturbance and slowdown of economic activity. Measures taken to contain the spread of the virus, inclu...

    “The Company is in the business of being a market place to sell tickets for live events through its portal and conduct partnership events. The outbreak of Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic globally and in India is causing significant disturbance and slowdown of economic activity. Measures taken to contain the spread of the virus, inclu...

    “The Company is in the business of being a market place to sell tickets for live events through its portal and conduct partnership events. The outbreak of Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic globally and in India is causing significant disturbance and slowdown of economic activity. Measures taken to contain the spread of the virus, inclu...

    “The Company is in the business of being a market place to sell tickets for live events through its portal and conduct partnership events. The outbreak of Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic globally and in India is causing significant disturbance and slowdown of economic activity. Measures taken to contain the spread of the virus, inclu...

    “The Company is in the business of being a market place to sell tickets for live events through its portal and conduct partnership events. The outbreak of Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic globally and in India is causing significant disturbance and slowdown of economic activity. Measures taken to contain the spread of the virus, inclu...

    “The Company is in the business of being a market place to sell tickets for live events through its portal and conduct partnership events. The outbreak of Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic globally and in India is causing significant disturbance and slowdown of economic activity. Measures taken to contain the spread of the virus, inclu...

    “The Company is in the business of being a market place to sell tickets for live events through its portal and conduct partnership events. The outbreak of Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic globally and in India is causing significant disturbance and slowdown of economic activity. Measures taken to contain the spread of the virus, inclu...

    “The Company is in the business of being a market place to sell tickets for live events through its portal and conduct partnership events. The outbreak of Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic globally and in India is causing significant disturbance and slowdown of economic activity. Measures taken to contain the spread of the virus, inclu...

    “The Company is in the business of being a market place to sell tickets for live events through its portal and conduct partnership events. The outbreak of Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic globally and in India is causing significant disturbance and slowdown of economic activity. Measures taken to contain the spread of the virus, inclu...

    “The Company is in the business of being a market place to sell tickets for live events through its portal and conduct partnership events. The outbreak of Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic globally and in India is causing significant disturbance and slowdown of economic activity. Measures taken to contain the spread of the virus, inclu...

    “The Company is in the business of being a market place to sell tickets for live events through its portal and conduct partnership events. The outbreak of Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic globally and in India is causing significant disturbance and slowdown of economic activity. Measures taken to contain the spread of the virus, inclu...

    “The Company is in the business of being a market place to sell tickets for live events through its portal and conduct partnership events. The outbreak of Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic globally and in India is causing significant disturbance and slowdown of economic activity. Measures taken to contain the spread of the virus, inclu...

    “The Company is in the business of being a market place to sell tickets for live events through its portal and conduct partnership events. The outbreak of Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic globally and in India is causing significant disturbance and slowdown of economic activity. Measures taken to contain the spread of the virus, inclu...

    “The Company is in the business of being a market place to sell tickets for live events through its portal and conduct partnership events. The outbreak of Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic globally and in India is causing significant disturbance and slowdown of economic activity. Measures taken to contain the spread of the virus, inclu...

    “The Company is in the business of being a market place to sell tickets for live events through its portal and conduct partnership events. The outbreak of Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic globally and in India is causing significant disturbance and slowdown of economic activity. Measures taken to contain the spread of the virus, inclu...

    “The Company is in the business of being a market place to sell tickets for live events through its portal and conduct partnership events. The outbreak of Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic globally and in India is causing significant disturbance and slowdown of economic activity. Measures taken to contain the spread of the virus, inclu...

    “The Company is in the business of being a market place to sell tickets for live events through its portal and conduct partnership events. The outbreak of Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic globally and in India is causing significant disturbance and slowdown of economic activity. Measures taken to contain the spread of the virus, inclu...

    “The Company is in the business of being a market place to sell tickets for live events through its portal and conduct partnership events. The outbreak of Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic globally and in India is causing significant disturbance and slowdown of economic activity. Measures taken to contain the spread of the virus, inclu...

    “The Company is in the business of being a market place to sell tickets for live events through its portal and conduct partnership events. The outbreak of Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic globally and in India is causing significant disturbance and slowdown of economic activity. Measures taken to contain the spread of the virus, inclu...

    “The Company is in the business of being a market place to sell tickets for live events through its portal and conduct partnership events. The outbreak of Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic globally and in India is causing significant disturbance and slowdown of economic activity. Measures taken to contain the spread of the virus, inclu...

    “The Company is in the business of being a market place to sell tickets for live events through its portal and conduct partnership events. The outbreak of Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic globally and in India is causing significant disturbance and slowdown of economic activity. Measures taken to contain the spread of the virus, inclu...

    “The Company is in the business of being a market place to sell tickets for live events through its portal and conduct partnership events. The outbreak of Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic globally and in India is causing significant disturbance and slowdown of economic activity. Measures taken to contain the spread of the virus, inclu...

    “The Company is in the business of being a market place to sell tickets for live events through its portal and conduct partnership events. The outbreak of Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic globally and in India is causing significant disturbance and slowdown of economic activity. Measures taken to contain the spread of the virus, inclu...

    “The Company is in the business of being a market place to sell tickets for live events through its portal and conduct partnership events. The outbreak of Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic globally and in India is causing significant disturbance and slowdown of economic activity. Measures taken to contain the spread of the virus, inclu...

    “The Company is in the business of being a market place to sell tickets for live events through its portal and conduct partnership events. The outbreak of Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic globally and in India is causing significant disturbance and slowdown of economic activity. Measures taken to contain the spread of the virus, inclu...

    “The Company is in the business of being a market place to sell tickets for live events through its portal and conduct partnership events. The outbreak of Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic globally and in India is causing significant disturbance and slowdown of economic activity. Measures taken to contain the spread of the virus, inclu...

    “The Company is in the business of being a market place to sell tickets for live events through its portal and conduct partnership events. The outbreak of Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic globally and in India is causing significant disturbance and slowdown of economic activity. Measures taken to contain the spread of the virus, inclu...

    “The Company is in the business of being a market place to sell tickets for live events through its portal and conduct partnership events. The outbreak of Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic globally and in India is causing significant disturbance and slowdown of economic activity. Measures taken to contain the spread of the virus, inclu...

    “The Company is in the business of being a market place to sell tickets for live events through its portal and conduct partnership events. The outbreak of Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic globally and in India is causing significant disturbance and slowdown of economic activity. Measures taken to contain the spread of the virus, inclu...

    “The Company is in the business of being a market place to sell tickets for live events through its portal and conduct partnership events. The outbreak of Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic globally and in India is causing significant disturbance and slowdown of economic activity. Measures taken to contain the spread of the virus, inclu...

    “The Company is in the business of being a market place to sell tickets for live events through its portal and conduct partnership events. The outbreak of Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic globally and in India is causing significant disturbance and slowdown of economic activity. Measures taken to contain the spread of the virus, inclu...

    “The Company is in the business of being a market place to sell tickets for live events through its portal and conduct partnership events. The outbreak of Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic globally and in India is causing significant disturbance and slowdown of economic activity. Measures taken to contain the spread of the virus, inclu...

    “The Company is in the business of being a market place to sell tickets for live events through its portal and conduct partnership events. The outbreak of Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic globally and in India is causing significant disturbance and slowdown of economic activity. Measures taken to contain the spread of the virus, inclu...

    “The Company is in the business of being a market place to sell tickets for live events through its portal and conduct partnership events. The outbreak of Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic globally and in India is causing significant disturbance and slowdown of economic activity. Measures taken to contain the spread of the virus, inclu...

    “The Company is in the business of being a market place to sell tickets for live events through its portal and conduct partnership events. The outbreak of Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic globally and in India is causing significant disturbance and slowdown of economic activity. Measures taken to contain the spread of the virus, inclu...

    “The Company is in the business of being a market place to sell tickets for live events through its portal and conduct partnership events. The outbreak of Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic globally and in India is causing significant disturbance and slowdown of economic activity. Measures taken to contain the spread of the virus, inclu...

    “The Company is in the business of being a market place to sell tickets for live events through its portal and conduct partnership events. The outbreak of Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic globally and in India is causing significant disturbance and slowdown of economic activity. Measures taken to contain the spread of the virus, inclu...

    “The Company is in the business of being a market place to sell tickets for live events through its portal and conduct partnership events. The outbreak of Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic globally and in India is causing significant disturbance and slowdown of economic activity. Measures taken to contain the spread of the virus, inclu...

    “The Company is in the business of being a market place to sell tickets for live events through its portal and conduct partnership events. The outbreak of Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic globally and in India is causing significant disturbance and slowdown of economic activity. Measures taken to contain the spread of the virus, inclu...

    “The Company is in the business of being a market place to sell tickets for live events through its portal and conduct partnership events. The outbreak of Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic globally and in India is causing significant disturbance and slowdown of economic activity. Measures taken to contain the spread of the virus, inclu...

    “The Company is in the business of being a market place to sell tickets for live events through its portal and conduct partnership events. The outbreak of Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic globally and in India is causing significant disturbance and slowdown of economic activity. Measures taken to contain the spread of the virus, inclu...

    “The Company is in the business of being a market place to sell tickets for live events through its portal and conduct partnership events. The outbreak of Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic globally and in India is causing significant disturbance and slowdown of economic activity. Measures taken to contain the spread of the virus, inclu...

    “The Company is in the business of being a market place to sell tickets for live events through its portal and conduct partnership events. The outbreak of Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic globally and in India is causing significant disturbance and slowdown of economic activity. Measures taken to contain the spread of the virus, inclu...

    “The Company is in the business of being a market place to sell tickets for live events through its portal and conduct partnership events. The outbreak of Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic globally and in India is causing significant disturbance and slowdown of economic activity. Measures taken to contain the spread of the virus, inclu...

    “The Company is in the business of being a market place to sell tickets for live events through its portal and conduct partnership events. The outbreak of Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic globally and in India is causing significant disturbance and slowdown of economic activity. Measures taken to contain the spread of the virus, inclu...

    “The Company is in the business of being a market place to sell tickets for live events through its portal and conduct partnership events. The outbreak of Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic globally and in India is causing significant disturbance and slowdown of economic activity. Measures taken to contain the spread of the virus, inclu...

    “The Company is in the business of being a market place to sell tickets for live events through its portal and conduct partnership events. The outbreak of Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic globally and in India is causing significant disturbance and slowdown of economic activity. Measures taken to contain the spread of the virus, inclu...

    “The Company is in the business of being a market place to sell tickets for live events through its portal and conduct partnership events. The outbreak of Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic globally and in India is causing significant disturbance and slowdown of economic activity. Measures taken to contain the spread of the virus, inclu...

    “The Company is in the business of being a market place to sell tickets for live events through its portal and conduct partnership events. The outbreak of Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic globally and in India is causing significant disturbance and slowdown of economic activity. Measures taken to contain the spread of the virus, inclu...

    “The Company is in the business of being a market place to sell tickets for live events through its portal and conduct partnership events. The outbreak of Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic globally and in India is causing significant disturbance and slowdown of economic activity. Measures taken to contain the spread of the virus, inclu...

    “The Company is in the business of being a market place to sell tickets for live events through its portal and conduct partnership events. The outbreak of Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic globally and in India is causing significant disturbance and slowdown of economic activity. Measures taken to contain the spread of the virus, inclu...

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  3. Mar 16, 2003 · Part of One 97 Communications Ltd., Paytm Entertainment Ltd. is an Indian company that offers a range of financial services such as UPI money transfers, mobile recharges, bill payments, and credit score checks.

  4. One97 Communications Ltd. (Paytm) is a mobile payment and financial services distribution company. It offers payment services to consumers and merchants and distributes various financial services in partnership with financial institutions.

    • 020 7936 6400
  5. 4 days ago · One 97 Communications Ltd (PAYTM:NSI) company profile with history, revenue, mergers & acquisitions, peer analysis, institutional shareholders and more.

  6. Nov 8, 2021 · By Emily Schmall. Published Nov. 8, 2021 Updated Nov. 11, 2021. With stocks on a tear in India, the parent company of Paytm, a leading digital payments app, went public on Monday with hopes...