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  1. Mar 15, 2016 · He was the Emperor of Mali in the 14 century, founder to Timbuktu as a trading center in North Africa through the Sahara. Mansa Musa was the leader of Mali a West African empire which became the largest and richest empire in Africa under Mansa Musa. Mansa means emperor so Mansa Musa means Emperero Musa. He is believed to be the grandson of Sundiata, the founder of the dynasty. He captured the neighbouring kingdom of Songhai and elevated the city of Timbuktu to be an important trading center ...

  2. Jan 3, 2016 · Following are a brief lists of the exploits of Mansa Musa. He fulfilled his role as king effectively, but this is subjective. (1) Following his pilgrimage, Mansa Musa brought back scholars, bureaucrats, and architects to contribute to the Mali Empire. (2) As a result of his pilgrimage, Islamic education flourished in the form of mosques, libraries, and universities. (3) He supported the active trade of gold and salt in and out of the Mali Empire to usher in enormous wealth. (4) He subdivided ...

  3. Mar 8, 2018 · It helped build trade relations and helped spread Islam. By traveling to Mali, Mansa Musa helped spread the thoughts of Mali a way that portrayed the power and wealth of the empire, thus he made Mali an even greater world power. He also helped spread Islam to not only amongst the citizens of the empire of Mali, but also among others, for they saw Mali as a role model so to say and when the most powerful man in the world endorses something, many others will follow in kind.

  4. Jan 21, 2017 · Mansa Musa brought an impressive amount of gold and slaves with him. He traveled across the Sarah desert that separated the Empires of Western Africa from the Islamic Empires north of the Desert. When he reached Cario on the Nile River, the wealth he brought created inflation in the local economy. Mansa Musa was the high chief of the Mali Empire.

  5. Aug 8, 2016 · Masa Musa was the Muslim ruler of Mali, who made a hajj to Mecca. Muslim Masa Musa made a magical hajj to Mecca. The King of Mali brought so many slaves camels and gold to Mecca on his Hajj that he depressed the value of gold in Arabia for years. He brought back scholars of the Quran back to Timbuktu. Mali had no written language before the Arabic scholars arrived in Timbuktu. Timbuktu became a center of learning and scholarship in Africa. Timbuktu because of the concentration of Quran ...

  6. Nov 1, 2016 · 1 Answer. He was a very good companion of the Prophet. He served between 632 and 634. He was with the Prophet during the emigration from Mecca to Medina. He was, indeed, his only companion. Abu Bakr He was a very good companion of the Prophet. He served between 632 and 634.

  7. Jan 28, 2016 · Marco Polo In fact there are other Venetians that went to China, like Marco's father. Marco Polo is the one remember because his tales were recorded. When Marco finally got back from China, after 24 years in Kublai Khan's service, he entered into the middle of a war between Genoa and Venice. He was captured and in prison he dictated all of his travels to a monk. That book became "The Travels of Marco Polo". Although the book sold very well it was thought to be all exaggeration and lies. In ...

  8. The best videos and questions to learn about Percent Equations. Get smarter on Socratic.

  9. Aug 20, 2016 · The griot was the memory of the African people. He was a story teller who related the oral history of the nations and tribes . Africa before the introduction of Islam in Western Africa, had no written language. The history of the people had to be passed down from generation to generation by trained story tellers who memorized the history so it ...