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  2. Sep 14, 2022 · Realistic hope is hope for an outcome that is reasonable or probable (Wiles, Cott, & Gibson, 2008). In this sense, an individual suffering from chronic pain might hope for a small reduction in pain, knowing that complete eradication is unrealistic.

    • Overview
    • Cultivating Hope
    • Staying Realistic
    • Beating Pessimism

    Studies have found that optimists tend to have better health, achieve more, and be happier than pessimists.

    But, there’s a catch. These positive outcomes are associated with an

    but realistic outlook on the world, instead of an outlook that’s unrealistically rosy.

    Realistic optimism blends a hopeful mindset with a practical approach to life.

    Knowing what you value is essential to cultivating hope. Take some time to think about what your life would look like if money was not a factor and nothing was standing in your way. Describe in writing what your relationships, work life, and environment would look like in an ideal world. This will give you some direction and purpose to help you cultivate hope.

    Know that you are able to shape your life.

    To get into a more hopeful state of mind, realize that your future is yours to take control of. You are in charge of deciding what you will achieve.

    Think about what you want your life to be like in a year and realize that, with hard work, you are capable of making it happen.

    Be open to new possibilities and adventures in your life.

    A hopeful mindset thrives on possibilities, so be aware of new opportunities that arise in your life. Exploring different options and choices increases your odds of finding fresh resources to help you achieve your goals.

    Cognitive distortions are negative or unrealistic thought patterns that can keep you feeling stressed or depressed. Your mind perceives reality in a distorted manner, leading to rumination or persistent obsessing over negative events or experiences. There are many cognitive distortions recognized in popular psychology. Some are listed below.

    All-or-nothing, or black-and-white thinking- seeing everything in absolutes, either this or that no in-between (e.g. "If they do not love me, they must hate me.")

    Emotional reasoning- attaching your reality to your current emotional state (e.g. "I feel crappy today, so no one will want to be around me.")

    Labeling- identifying shortcomings excessively (e.g. "I'm a loser.")

    Pessimism tends to come from negative beliefs or thought patterns. When you’re feeling pessimistic, take a step back from your emotions and think about where your feelings are coming from.

    If you find that you’re holding onto self-defeating ideas or a negative self-image, remind yourself that these ideas aren’t rational and they don’t have to hold you back.

    Make sure that you are surrounding yourself with optimistic people as well. You can meet new like-minded people by searching for groups on sites like

    Use logic to fight negative thoughts.

    When you start having pessimistic thoughts, ask yourself, “Is this really true?” Often you’ll find that pessimism is driven by emotions that don’t have much to do with reality. Maintaining a rational mindset can help you see these thoughts for the illusions they are.

    For instance, if you have the pessimistic feeling that one of your coworkers doesn’t like you, instead of dwelling on the thought, ask yourself why you think that. Is there a more likely explanation? Perhaps your coworker is having a bad day, or they simply have a gruff demeanor.

    • 44K
  3. Aug 1, 2008 · Realistic hope. Realistic hope is much more of an active analytical process. It involves an assessment of the future, perseverance, expectancy and an appraisal of all the various possibilities and their consequences which can promote the realization of the hope and its expectancy. It is an important ingredient of living and of a fulfilled life.

    • Thaïs Helène Downman
    • 2008
  4. Feb 12, 2022 · Hope is a universal human experience and a powerful life force. Hope can be engendered by belief in an omnipotent God, but it is in fact secular, a common, deeply felt human emotion.

  5. Sep 26, 2022 · Hope is the belief that your future will be better than the present and that you have the ability to make it happen. It involves both optimism and a can-do attitude. This definition of hope is...

    • Traci Pedersen
  6. Feb 16, 2021 · But we knew we were being asked something different: in addition to specific insights, what general principles of realistic hope do you see? In short, we saw five interconnected principles: diversity, dialogue, experimentation, systems thinking, and futures framing.

  7. Apr 9, 2019 · Managing the Tension Between Hope and Realism. You’ll need a clutch pedal. Posted April 9, 2019. Be optimistic; be realistic – people claim both as absolute virtues. Trouble is, there are times...