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  2. Nickel is a silvery-white metal that is used mainly to make stainless steel and other alloys stronger and better able to withstand extreme temperatures and corrosive environments. Learn about nickel's history, properties, sources, applications, and global supply and demand from the USGS.

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  3. › wiki › NickelNickel - Wikipedia

    Nickel is preeminently an alloy metal, and its chief use is in nickel steels and nickel cast irons, in which it typically increases the tensile strength, toughness, and elastic limit. It is widely used in many other alloys, including nickel brasses and bronzes and alloys with copper, chromium, aluminium, lead, cobalt, silver, and gold ( Inconel ...

    • Overview
    • Properties, occurrence, and uses
    • Compounds

    nickel (Ni), chemical element, ferromagnetic metal of Group 10 (VIIIb) of the periodic table, markedly resistant to oxidation and corrosion.

    Silvery white, tough, and harder than iron, nickel is widely familiar because of its use in coinage but is more important either as the pure metal or in the form of alloys for its many domestic and industrial applications. Elemental nickel very sparingly occurs together with iron in terrestrial and meteoric deposits. The metal was isolated (1751) by a Swedish chemist and mineralogist, Baron Axel Fredrik Cronstedt, who prepared an impure sample from an ore containing niccolite (nickel arsenide). Earlier, an ore of this same type was called Kupfernickel after “Old Nick” and his mischievous gnomes because, though it resembled copper ore, it yielded a brittle, unfamiliar metal. Twice as abundant as copper, nickel constitutes about 0.007 percent of Earth’s crust; it is a fairly common constituent of igneous rocks, though singularly few deposits qualify in concentration, size, and accessibility for commercial interest. The central regions of Earth are believed to contain considerable quantities. The most important sources are pentlandite, found with nickel-bearing pyrrhotite, of which certain varieties contain 3 to 5 percent nickel, and chalcopyrite, and nickel-bearing laterites, such as garnierite, a magnesium–nickel silicate of variable composition.

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    The metallurgy of nickel is complicated in its details, many of which vary widely, according to the particular ore being processed. In general, the ore is transformed to dinickel trisulfide, Ni2S3 (with nickel in the +3 oxidation state), which is roasted in air to give nickel oxide, NiO (+2 state), which is then reduced with carbon to obtain the metal. Some high-purity nickel is made by the carbonyl process mentioned earlier. (For information about the mining, refining, and production of nickel, see nickel processing.)

    Nickel (atomic number 28) resembles iron (atomic number 26) in strength and toughness but is more like copper (atomic number 29) in resistance to oxidation and corrosion, a combination accounting for many of its applications. Nickel has high electrical and thermal conductivity. More than half the nickel produced is used in alloys with iron (particularly in stainless steels), and most of the rest is used in corrosion-resistant alloys with copper (including Monel, which contains some 60 to 70 percent nickel, 30 to 40 percent copper, and small amounts of other metals such as iron) and in heat-resistant alloys with chromium. Nickel is also used in electrically resistive, magnetic, and many other kinds of alloys, such as nickel silver (with copper and zinc but no silver). The unalloyed metal is utilized to form protective coatings on other metals, especially by electroplating. Finely divided nickel is employed to catalyze the hydrogenation of unsaturated organic compounds (e.g., fats and oils).

    Nickel can be fabricated readily by the use of standard hot and cold working methods. Nickel reacts only slowly with fluorine, eventually developing a protective coating of the fluoride, and therefore is used as the pure metal or in the form of alloys such as Monel in equipment for handling fluorine gas and corrosive fluorides. Nickel is ferromagnetic at ordinary temperatures, although not as strongly as iron, and is less electropositive than iron but dissolves readily in dilute mineral acids.

    In its compounds nickel exhibits oxidation states of −1, 0, +1, +2, +3, and +4, though the +2 state is by far the most common. Ni2+ forms a large number of complexes, encompassing coordination numbers 4, 5, and 6 and all of the main structural types—e.g., octahedral, trigonal bipyramidal, tetrahedral, and square.

    Compounds with nickel in the +2 state have a variety of industrial applications. For example, nickel chloride, NiCl2, nickel nitrate, Ni(NO3)2·6H2O, and nickel sulfamate, Ni(SO3NH2)2∙4H2O, are employed chiefly in nickel electroplating baths. Nickel sulfate, NiSO4, is also used in nickel plating as well as in the preparation of catalysts, ground-coat enamels, and mordants (fixatives) for dyeing and textile printing. Nickel oxide, NiO, and nickel peroxide, Ni2O3, are prepared for use in fuel cells and storage batteries, respectively. Nickel ferrites are utilized as magnetic cores for various types of electrical equipment such as antennas and transformers.

    Typical compounds of nickel in nature, in which it occurs primarily as minerals in combination with arsenic, antimony, and sulfur, are nickel sulfide, NiS; nickel arsenide, NiAs; nickel antimonide, NiSb; nickel diarsenide, NiAs2; nickel thioarsenide, NiAsS; and nickel thioantimonide, NiSbS. In the sulfide nickel is in the +2 oxidation state, but in all the other compounds cited it is in the +3 state.

    Among other important commercial compounds are nickel carbonyl, or tetracarbonylnickel, Ni(CO)4. This compound, in which nickel exhibits a zero oxidation state, is used primarily as a carrier of carbon monoxide in the synthesis of acrylates (compounds utilized in the manufacture of plastics) from acetylene and alcohols. It was the first of a class of compounds called metal carbonyls to be discovered (1890). The colourless, volatile liquid is formed by the action of carbon monoxide on finely divided nickel and is characterized by an electronic configuration in which the nickel atom is surrounded by 36 electrons. This type of configuration is quite comparable to that of the noble-gas atoms.

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  4. Jul 30, 2024 · As we’ve explored the top uses for nickel, from its critical role in stainless steel production and battery manufacturing to its application in alloy creation, plating, and renewable energy technologies, it’s clear that nickel’s impact is profound and far-reaching.

  5. Jul 28, 2019 · Nickel is a strong, lustrous, silvery-white metal that is used in over 300,000 different products, especially stainless steel. Learn about its characteristics, extraction, production, and applications in this comprehensive article.

  6. Nickel is used in batteries, including rechargeable nickel-cadmium batteries and nickel-metal hydride batteries used in hybrid vehicles. Nickel has a long history of being used in coins. The US five-cent piece (known as a ‘nickel’) is 25% nickel and 75% copper.

  7. Explore the comprehensive guide to Nickel, a versatile element with significant industrial and medical applications. Learn about its unique properties, historical background, chemical reactions, and its crucial role in products we use every day.