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    • Cold and dry winter

      Shishir Ritucharya - Ayurveda Winter's Guide - Dr. Sonica Krishan
      • This time of the season, which spells cold and dry winter is called the Shishir Ritu. The Indian calendar months of Magh and Phalgun (from January to March) are considered as the Shishir Ritu. Scientifically, it marks the beginning of Aadaana Kaala (Aadaan means taking away – the period of dehydration).
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  2. Apr 23, 2019 · Shishir Ritu: A Winter Scene. ExoticIndia Art Gallery, New Delhi, India. The coldest months of the year occur in winter, which is known as Shita Ritu or Shishir Ritu. In 2019, the season begins on December 21 and ends on February 18. The two Hindu months of Magha and Phalguna fall during this season.

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  3. Ritu (Sanskrit: ऋतु) means "season" in different ancient Indian calendars used in India, Bangladesh, Nepal and Sri Lanka. There are six ritus (also transliterated ritu ) or seasons . Seasons are different times of the year and there are 12 months in the year.

  4. SHISHIR / SHITA RITU: The winter time is called ‘Shita or Shishir Ritu’ when it is the coldest time of the year in most parts of India. The two Hindu months of Magha and Phalguna fall during this season.

    • Spring Season (Vasant Ritu) Spring in India is a time with a duration of two months, which is the months of March and April. According to the Hindu calendar, this period is celebrated during two months: Chaitra and Baisakh respectively.
    • Summer (Grishma Ritu) It’s also a 2-month duration season which includes two months, May and June. According to the Hindu calendar, this period is mostly observed within Jyeshta in Jyeshta and Aashaadha.
    • Monsoon (Varsha Ritu) It is comprised of the months of July and August. According to the Hindu calendar, this period is in the month of Shravana as well as Bhadrapada (Sawan Bhado and Bhado).
    • Autumn (Sharad Ritu) Season in India. The autumn season is during the months between September and October. According to the Hindu calendar, this time of year is observed in the Ashwin as well as Kartik months.
  5. Shishir -- Winter (the sun in Sayan Makar and Kumbha) The actual seasons corresponds to the earth's tilt. If you extend earth's equator into heavens it's celestial equator.

  6. 1. Vasant Ritu (Spring): Vasant Ritu, or spring, marks the rejuvenation of nature after the harshness of winter. It typically begins in mid-March and lasts until mid-May. During this season, the air is filled with the fragrance of blossoming flowers, and the landscape is painted with vibrant colors.