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  1. Summary. On the sixth day of Creation, God created ‘man’ in the form of Adam, moulding him from ‘the dust of the ground’ (Genesis 2:7), breathing the breath of life into Adam’s nostrils. God then planted a garden ‘eastward in Eden’ (2:8), containing both the tree of life and ‘the tree of knowledge of good and evil’ (2:9).

    • The Garden of Eden
    • A Marriage Made in Heaven
    • A Loving Command
    • The Origin of Evil
    • Recruiting For The Rebellion
    • Hope in A Curse!
    • A Curse Deflected
    • Out of Eden
    • The Shattered Sword

    The Bible tells us that “the LORD God had planted a garden in the east, in Eden; and there he put the man he had formed. The LORD God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden” (2:8, 15). We cannot be certain about the garden’s location, but it is important to grasp that it was a real place. It was located near the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers ...

    The LORD God made a woman from the rib he had taken out of the man, and he brought her to the man. (2:22; EMPHASIS ADDED) I’d love to have seen the expression on Adam’s face! God appeared to Adam and said, “Adam, I have someone I want you to meet!” I have no doubt that Adam’s jaw dropped wide open. He certainly seemed pretty pleased! He said, “This...

    God came into the Garden of Eden as a visitor, making Himself known and cultivating a relationship with the man and the woman. He did not impose Himself on them but gave them the opportunity of choosing a relationship of faith and obedience with Him. God gave Adam a single command that was, like all His commandments, a wonderful expression of His l...

    The Bible does not give us a full explanation of the origin of evil, but it does tell us where it started. Alongside the visible world that we know, God made an invisible creation in heaven and filled it with angels. The devil was one of these angels. He became inflated with pride and tried to usurp the position of God (see Isaiah 14:12–14). His re...

    Satan came into the garden with the aim of recruiting the human race into his rebellion against God. Spirits are invisible to us, and so when Satan wanted to communicate with the first man and woman, he came in the form of an alluring serpent. He presented himself as a friend and began to question the single commandment God had given. “Did God real...

    The LORD God said to the serpent, . . . “Cursed are you.” (3:14) When a person or thing is “cursed,” it is consigned to destruction. So when God cursed the serpent, He was announcing that evil would not stand. When God spoke about a Deliverer who would crush the serpent’s head, Adam and Eve must have been overjoyed (v. 15).

    To Adam he said, . . .“Cursed . . .” (3:17) Adam must have held his breath. God had cursed the serpent, and now He was looking straight at Adam as He spoke that ominous word again. Adam must have thought that he would be utterly destroyed, but he was in for a surprise. Instead of saying to Adam, “Cursed are you,” as the LORD did to the serpent, God...

    Our first parents were banished from Eden (3:23), where they had known the blessing and presence of God. Life became a struggle in a hostile place, where they were exposed to all kinds of danger from wild animals. Over time, they would notice lines and wrinkles in their skin. They would experience pain and discover that the “death” God had spoken a...

    Try to imagine yourself standing with Adam and Eve outside Eden, looking back at the angels and the flashing sword of judgment. There’s no way back for you into the presence of God. If you tried, the sword would cut you down. But as you look, someone comes out from the presence of God and stands beside you. Then He turns and advances toward the fla...

  2. In Genesis 2:15 we find that the garden was ready as soon as man needed a home. It was a separate plot of ground, fenced off from the rest of Eden, and planted with trees and herbs that were of choicer kinds, more fit for food, and more beautiful in foliage and blossom, than elsewhere.

  3. Feb 16, 2021 · God could have put a flaming sword around the tree of life and let Adam remain in the garden. But he chose to expel man from the entire garden and set the flaming sword and the two cherubs to guard the entrance to the garden in order to prevent access to the tree of life.

  4. 22 Then the Lord God said, “Now these human beings have become like one of us and have knowledge of what is good and what is bad.[a] They must not be allowed to take fruit from the tree that gives life, eat it, and live forever.” 23 So the Lord God sent them out of the Garden of Eden and made them cultivate the soil from which they had been form...

  5. Jan 20, 2020 · The consequences of what they did were profound, affecting all humanity—even until today. Make sure to read the second post in this series, where we discuss what these consequences were in detail, how they affect our lives today, and the steps God took to save us from the effects of what happened in the Garden of Eden.

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  7. Jan 2, 2011 · God created a beautiful garden in a place he called Eden. In this garden, he put trees, plants, lakes, and animals. Flowing from Eden was a river that split into four separate rivers – Pishon, Gihon, Tigris, and Euphrates. God placed Adam in the Garden of Eden and instructed him to care for it.