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  1. John and Paul (Latin: Ioannes, Paulus) are saints who lived during the fourth century in the Roman Empire. They were martyred at Rome on 26 June. The year of their martyrdom is uncertain according to their Acts; it occurred under Julian the Apostate (361–363).

  2. Oct 1, 1995 · The new members of the Fraternity of Worker Priests of the Heart of Jesus, who with Pedro Ruiz de los Panos y Angel at their head, are beatified today, were martyred for working in harmony with their charism to form future priests, in various seminaries in Spain and Mexico.

  3. Sep 15, 2005 · (ANSA) - Hopes that sainthood procedures for the late pope, John Paul II, could be speeded up by having him declared a martyr have been dashed. The head of the Vatican saints department said on Wednesday that it was "very difficult" to define the Polish pontiff as a martyr because he did not choose death as an alternative to renouncing his faith.

  4. POPE JOHN PAUL II'S TEACHING ON THE MARTYRS OF OUR CENTURY. Vicente Carcel Orti. It must first of all be said that the Holy Father's magisterium on martyrdom, on the martyrs and religious persecutions of our century is most abundant and difficult to summarise in one brief article.

    • Early Experiences
    • Institutionalised Anti-Semitism
    • First Acts of Reconciliation
    • Visit to Israel, March 2000
    • Mixed Messages
    • Choice of Saints
    • Abortion and The Holocaust

    John Paul II had known Jewish people from an early age. He had been brought up as a child playing with Jews in Poland. No other pope had had such a close experience of Jewish culture so it was not surprising that he went further than any other pope to restore friendship between the Vatican and the Jewish people. John Paul lost many people he knew d...

    Before the Second Vatican Council, the Roman Catholic Church had blamed the Jews for the Crucifixion. There are claims that during the Holocaust Pope Pius XII had been less than proactive in his actions to protect the Jews. The document Nostra Aetatehad gone some way to recognise the vast spiritual heritage that Christians and Jews had in common, a...

    One of John Paul's first acts of reconciliation was to pay a visit to the synagogue in Rome in 1986. (His predecessor, John XXIII had stopped his car outside the synagogue once to bless people leaving the sabbath service.) In 1993, the Vatican gave diplomatic recognition to Israel, and in 1998 he formally apologised for the failure of Catholics to ...

    During his visit to Israel John Paul said: Read the full speech. But although the Pope called for a new relationship between the Christian and Jewish faiths based on their common roots, he stopped short of the apology many Israelis had sought for the silence of the Catholic Church during the Holocaust. Nor did he condemn explicitly the Nazi persecu...

    Some of John Paul's actions have brought criticism from Jewish groups. He did not shun the Austrian president, Kurt Waldheim, despite much public disquiet about his role in war crimes. Many commentators thought that John Paul's apology in Israel did not go far enough, but any stronger apology would have implied criticism of the wartime Pope, Pius X...

    John Paul was heavily criticised for some of his choices for sainthood. Pius XII is on the road to sainthood, despite much criticism of his failure to take strong enough action against Nazi anti-semitism. Nor was Pius XII the only controversial papal candidate for canonisation. Pius IX, pope between 1846 and 1878, was notoriously anti-Semitic: he h...

    In 2005 the Pope was involved in controversy when his new book controversially compared abortion and the Holocaust. In his fifth book, Memory and Identity, he said both were the result of governments clashing with divine law. The Pope wrote that both abortion and the mass murder of six million Jews came about as a result of people usurping the "law...

  5. Aug 14, 2021 · In his homily at the canonization Mass of Kolbe on October 10, 1982, St. John Paul II said, “Death suffered for love, in place of the brother is a heroic act of man, through which, together with the new Saint, we glorify God.” In fact, it is from God that the grace of such heroism and this martyrdom comes, he said.

  6. Pope John Paul II reigned as pope of the Roman Catholic Church and sovereign of the Vatican City State for 26 years from October 1978 to his death, on 2 April 2005.