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  1. May 24, 2012 · A vast, mostly Western expatriate zone in the middle of Republican China. The "Settlement" as it was called, had its own police force, fire-brigade, driver's licenses, and all manner of other things. Shanghai in the 1900s-1940s was famous for its extravagance. S****y Art Deco nightclubs, drinking, whoring, gambling, shopping and nonstop ...

  2. Aug 30, 2024 · Aug 30, 2024. #1. When Italy entered the war, it was promised neighboring Austrian territory, Albania, and part of Croatia. It only got the Austrian territory it already occupied. Its contribution to victory may not have been that much, but it did take territory in Austria. Serbia did expand, and Britain and France divided Ottoman territory in ...

  3. Apr 11, 2020 · This map shows the precise place of residence of over 4.3 million Jews at the time of the Russian census of 1897. The census enumerated over 5 million Jews living in the Pale of Settlement, the 25 …. What I find interesting is that by far the most Jewish-heavy territories in the Russian Empire in 1897 (other than, of course ...

  4. Jul 31, 2011 · The Soviets did in fact put on show trials, where "show" does not just mean the outcome was known beforehand, but also that they were meant as teaching moments. One might very well have had a Soviet-style show trial at Nuremberg, meant to "show the world" but also having a predetermined result. Frog33inUK said:

  5. Aug 29, 2024 · Even with the Soviet oil Germany and it's occupied territories was running a oil deficit, the only reason Germany could launch the invasion of the Soviet Union in 1941 was due to the oil stocks it captured from the West in 1940, but by late 1941 these had been consumed. I don't know if it was realistic.

  6. Aug 27, 2024 · I think it's timely to actually discuss international law, the role of the UN, NATO and I want to use NATO's bombing of Yugoslavia as the center piece. With the bombing of Belgrade in '99 by NATO (the United States), it was seen as a justified means to pressure Serbia to relent in its campaign of ethnic cleansing and oppression of ethnic ...

  7. Aug 27, 2024 · Discussion Starter. Aug 27, 2024. #1. Britannica lists 4 separate definitions of imperialism. Here is one of them, which suggests that the conquerors are attempting to not only expand their own domain, but bring forth their ideologies to The conquered peoples making their lives better. ————"The fourth group of arguments is based on ...

  8. Aug 28, 2024 · Aug 28, 2024. #17. They believed that they were a superior race that has been degenerated by inferior races, this how they explained their deficiencies in the looks, but that doesn't bothered them much, they just suggested the German men to marry Swedish blondes to clean up their traits. Alexander the Gay and robto. M.

  9. Aug 27, 2024 · And here is the graph of the economic history of the world. The sharp drop in Asia's output begins with colonialism in the 18th century. The sharp rise in relative GDP begins when the Asian countries achieve independence in the 1940s and 1950s. This is no proof of an absolute drop of output as this is a relative GDP.

  10. Oct 2, 2010 · By any definition, the Congress of Vienna of 1815 definitively qualified as ultra-reactionary (ergo, ultra-ultra-conservative): as you said, it pretended "to revert to an earlier state of affairs". Some semantic trivia: the state of affairs that this conservative Congress was trying to preserve was the one previous to 1789; the changes of the ...