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    • Questions to Better Understand Your Partner. The questions in this section aim to help you grasp who your partner truly is — their likes, dislikes, and personality quirks.
    • Fun, Lighthearted Questions. Laughter goes hand-in-hand with deeper relating. The following questions let you bond over funny stories, hypotheticals, and imaginative scenarios.
    • Communication and Relationship Questions. Talking honestly about your dynamic together promotes intimacy and trust. Discuss ways you can relate better as a couple with these thoughtful prompts
    • Values and Beliefs Questions. Your principles and worldviews shape who you are. Discuss the deeper philosophies that give your life meaning with questions like
    • Overview
    • Try new things togethe
    • Surprise them with a gif
    • Give them compliment
    • Plan some fun date
    • Build up your physical intimac
    • Communicate openly and honestl
    • Treat them how you’d want to be treate
    • Celebrate their achievement
    • Be supportive of your partne

    Getting into a serious relationship is so exciting, but we know it can be a little nerve-wracking if you haven’t been in one before. When it’s your first time dating someone, it sometimes feels a bit tricky to know exactly what you should do or say. If you want to build a loving and lasting connection with your partner, we have you covered. Keep re...

    Make some exciting memories together so you keep growing together.

    You might get bored of doing the same thing every time you hang out with your partner, so find new opportunities to keep things interesting.

    This lets your partner know that you were thinking about them.

    Whenever you stop at the store, pick up something that reminds you of your partner. You could buy their favorite candy, a magazine they always read, or even something they’ve said they wanted for a while. The next time you see them, give them the gift and let them know it was just because you were thinking of them.

    Don’t buy gifts only because you expect to get some in return.

    Buy a few things during a single trip and keep them hidden away. The next time your partner has a bad day, you’ll have a gift ready for them so they can cheer up.

    Brighten their day by saying what you admire about them.

    Everyone loves to hear compliments, so get used to saying a few to your partner every day so they feel loved.

    Start with a phrase like “I love” or “I value” to show your appreciation. Say a specific quality about your partner that’s genuine and positive so they know how you feel about them.

    For example, you could say something like, “I love getting lost in your eyes.”

    Keep your connection strong by going out and spending time with each other.

    Try to plan at least one date night a week so you can get out of the house and do something fun together, and take turns planning dates so you both have the opportunity to pick some fun activities.

    Having a picnic at a park

    Spending the day at the beach

    Pretending you’re a tourist in your town and visiting all the small shops

    Taking a walk in a scenic spot

    Showing your affection makes your bond so much stronger.

    As you get more comfortable with your partner, you’ll probably want to feel even closer to them. Take it slow at first and don’t feel pressured to go right into something like sex. When the time feels right, try holding their hand, snuggling up against them, giving them a big hug, or

    them to show just how much you care!

    Rushing into sex or things you’re not comfortable with could have a negative impact on your intimacy later on.

    Having deep talks builds a stronger connection and prevents misunderstandings.

    You can’t grow closer to someone if you don’t let them get to know you more. Make some time every day to chat and catch up about your days. Let your partner know what’s going on in your life and listen to them without interrupting while they talk with you. Don’t be afraid to open up about your hobbies, childhood, or life since it shows your partner you’re comfortable around them.

    It can be really hard to admit when you aren't happy something with something in the relationship, but talking about it is an important step to working through it as a couple.

    Remember that your partner isn’t a mind reader. They won’t know what you’re thinking or feeling for sure until you say something.

    Only doing what one person wants could lead to a controlling relationship.

    Show your partner respect and they’ll want to do the same for you. Invest your time equally between what you want to do and what your partner wants to do so it stays balanced. Even though you may not want to do everything that they want to, find a way to compromise so you both feel satisfied.

    For example, you might take turns picking what movies you watch so it doesn’t feel one-sided.

    Look at things from your partner’s perspective so you can understand how they’re feeling better.

    You and your partner feel happier when you get excited together.

    Whenever your partner succeeds, sincerely congratulate them and get pumped up with them. Do everything you can to keep the excitement alive and to make the rest of the day great, like going out to eat or watching their favorite movie.

    For example, if your partner did well on a test they were nervous about, you could say something like, “Honey that’s so awesome! You worked so hard and I’m so proud of you. Should we get some dinner to celebrate?”

    Couples that celebrate together are less likely to fight and have more satisfying relationships.

    Show that you care for them even when they’re struggling.

    Just like you should celebrate during happy moments, be present when your partner’s having a bad day. Offer to listen to them if they need to vent, talk through how to manage a situation, or just be a shoulder for them to cry on. You don’t need to solve the problems they’re having, but you should at least still be there for them.

    • Barbara Field
    • Are You in a Healthy Relationship? Take the Quiz. If you've got questions about your relationship, our fast and free quiz can help you better understand if your partnership is rock solid or if it could use some work.
    • Spend Time Apart. It sounds counterintuitive as a way to improve your relationship, but take a break from your partner. Everyone needs their own space and quality time outside a relationship.
    • Go to Sleep at the Same Time. Perhaps you’ve already read that most American adults are not getting the seven to eight hours per night of healthy sleep they need.
    • Be Vulnerable. Sometimes you have to dig deep to be vulnerable. “Couples may find it surprising, but if each one becomes curious about one's own blind spots, discovers them, and then is courageous enough to share that vulnerability, it can help create deeper intimacy,” advised Meredith Resnick, LCSW, creator of
    • 68.5K
    • Focus on one issue at a time. Narrow down your conversation to one specific issue. Try to make it really specific, too—the clearer the issue is, the better you and your partner will be able to address it.
    • Start the conversation with a positive. Beginning on the right foot can help the conversation go smoothly. Thank your partner for sitting down to chat with you, and let them know that you’re here to find a solution together (not start a fight).
    • Keep your tone of voice neutral. Your voice says a lot about what you’re feeling. During a deep relationship talk, you might feel a little bit hurt or upset.
    • Use “I” statements. Avoid blaming your partner by focusing on yourself. You can phrase things by using “I” statements (instead of “you” statements) to make your partner feel less defensive.
    • Take a break. If you don’t know how to start over in a broken relationship, I recommend spending some quality time apart. You and your partner should agree on how long you should be apart.
    • Work on your personal development. The next step in how to start over with someone is to work on yourself first. You might not realize that some of the wounds you experience in relationships are because of the projection of childhood trauma.
    • Indulge your partner. You might have heard people say that you should fall in love with the person rather than their potential. While it’s true that you should accept each other as you are, remember that there’s always room for positive change.
    • Discuss negative feelings. Unresolved emotional pain can make couples struggle to get back together. It’s also hard to let go of emotional pain if it remains unrecognized.
  1. Jan 8, 2024 · 1. The Moon Landing Phase (The First Six Months) The Honeymoon Stage is characterized by intense emotions and the thrill of discovery. During this phase, partners are often blinded by...

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  3. 3 days ago · Without judgment or condemnation, openly seek to understand how your partner developed their weaving patterns and whether either of you is unconsciously projecting those earlier experiences onto ...