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  1. 1. Call Option Basics. 1.1– Breaking the Ice As with any of the previous modules in Varsity, we will again make the same old assumption that you are new to options and therefore know nothing about options. For this reason .. 2. Basic Option Jargons.

  2. Mar 15, 2022 · Key takeaways from this chapter. Options are traded in the Indian markets for over 15 years, but the real liquidity was available only since 2006. An Option is a tool for protecting your position and reducing risk. A buyer of the call option has the right, and the seller must make delivery.

  3. The module covers various options strategies that can be built with a multi-dimensional approach involving Option Greeks, Risk-Return, etc.

  4. Explore all the open-access Varsity modules that cover the entire spectrum of financial literacy and capital markets; everything from savings and taxation to option strategies and technical analysis. Learn more

  5. Mar 19, 2015 · There are two types of options – The Call option and the Put option. You can be a buyer or seller of these options. Based on what you choose to do, the P&L profile changes.

  6. May 25, 2015 · This chapter introduces option greeks. Delta measures the rate of change of options premium prices based on the directional movement of the underlying.

  7. May 13, 2015 · The moneyness of an option contract is a classification method wherein each option (strike) gets classified as either – In the money (ITM), At the money (ATM), or Out of the money (OTM) option. This classification helps the trader to decide which strike to trade, given a particular circumstance in the market.

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