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  1. Know about the latest news and current affairs for RBI, SEBI & NABARD Exams. Also, attempt quizzes daily to ace your preparation.

  2. RBI Grade B Free Material 2024. Topics Covered: RBI Grade B Free Study Material for Phase 1 & Phase 2, Exam Materials & Notes. Hi friends. Seeing you on this page, I think it is safe to assume that you have your sights fixed on the upcoming RBI Grade B exams.

  3. Daily & Monthly Current Affairs - Spotlight. Daily Current Affairs for various Government Exams like RBI, SEBI, NABARD, etc. 365 Days validity. ENROLL FOR FREE. What's included. 4. Courses.

  4. The free UPSC material that I have made available for you includes notes/material for UPSC commerce, UPSC management, and UPSC Prelims topics of Economics, History, and Polity.

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    terms-of-service.html. privacy-policy.html. Refund Policy

  6. The PDFs can be downloaded only through desktop and videos can be saved offline in the mobile application infinity exam. In order to download the PDF, you need to follow the following steps:-. STEP 1: Visit out Learning Management System (LMS)

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    We provide daily current affairs (Morning Tales) videos and PDF for Phase 1, a compilation of monthly current affairs (Spotlight), PIB 247 on daily basis along with monthly compilation (RBI & NABARD Phase 2), RBI 247 on daily basis, and monthly compilation (RBI Phase 2) and revision sessions before the exam.

  8. The first channel is our mobile application Infinity Exam by Anuj Jindal which is widely available on the Play Store from where you can download it. All the material including videos, PDFs, and mock tests will be provided through the mobile application.

  9. Q.2) From which date Bharat Series of vehicle registration will commence? [a] 15 March 2022 [b] 15 October 2021 [c] 15 January 2022 [d] 15 September 2021

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    Current is the ultimate test in all major government examinations. Do not limit yourself while covering current affairs because anything & everything under the sun is important for your examination. With this ideology, Neha ma'am covers Spotlight for you!