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  1. This will produce two DNA duplexes which have one parent strand and one daughter strand. The semi-conservative mechanism minimises errors in DNA replication, because the template gives DNA polymerase something accurate to copy from. This is very important because cells want to minimise errors in replication when dividing, so that mutations ...

  2. May 11, 2018 · Explanation: Base pair in DNA replication is a way that the chromosomes have to double check to make sure that the duplication is exact. The replication is termed semiconservative since each new cell contains one strand of original DNA and one newly synthesized strand of DNA. The original polynucleotide strand of DNA serves as a template to ...

  3. Semi-conservative replication means that during DNA replication, the two strands of nucleotides separate. Both strands then form the template for free nucleotides to bind to to create the two identical daughter strands. Hence each daughter strand has half of the DNA from the original strand and half newly-formed DNA. Semi-conservative ...

  4. Semi-conservative replication refers to replication of DNA in which the newly produced DNA molecules will contain 1 strand from the original DNA and a another strand that had been newly synthesised. In order to understand this further, it is best to look at how DNA replication occurs. We start with a simple DNA molecule, consisted of 2 strands ...

  5. Oct 28, 2017 · Semi conservative literally means "Half conserved". In case of DNA , it is used for DNA replication in which one strand of DNA is conserved while other is not. Also primary structure of DNA duplex is conserved but secondary structure is disrupted. Proper definition of Semi-Conservative model: "The replication in which one strand of DNA is conserved and the other is synthesized according to complementary base pairing is called semi-conservative replication" This model was suggested by Watson ...

  6. Jan 15, 2017 · 1 Answer. Reproduction of cells and organism are dependent on DNA replication. The information stored in the DNA is essential for life. If a cell dies the body must replace that cell. The only way to replace the cells is to first copy the information that the cell contained. There is a complex system of proteins and enzymes that unravel the DNA ...

  7. DNA is in a double helix structure, meaning there are two strands. When we need DNA to replicate, for example when a cell divides during growth, the strands undergo unwinding. This process is done by an enzyme called a helicase enzyme.This allows the bases that make up DNA to become exposed so free bases in the cell can bind following the ...

  8. DNA replication involves the unwinding of double strand DNA by the enzyme helicase, resulting in two single DNA strands which can be used as templates for replication. DNA polymerase can then catalyse replication by binding free nucleotides to these template strands via complimentary base pairing. It is called 'semi-conservative' as both of the ...

  9. Hydrogen bonds form between the bases on the original and new strand and the strands twist to reform the double helix. Each new DNA molecule contains one strand from the original DNA molecule and one new strand, hence the term semi-conservative replication. The enzyme DNA helicase breaks the hydrogen bonds between the two polynucloetide DNA ...

  10. Semi-conservative replication is involved in the process of mitosis- this is cell division. Cell division is important to enable the organism to grow and to replace old and dead cells. Without cell division and constant replenishment the organism would die. The process of DNA replication involves unwinding the original DNA strand by the enzyme ...