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  1. Saʿd ibn Muʿādh al-Ansari (Arabic: سعد بن معاذ الأنصاري) (c. 590-627) was the chief of the Aws tribe in Medina and one of the prominent companions of the Islamic prophet Muhammad. He died shortly after the Battle of the Trench. Family.

  2. Sa'd committed himself to Islam and withstood the hardships that ensued with much heroism and greatness. When the Prophet (PBUH) emigrated to Al-Madiinah, the houses of Bani Al-Ashhal - Sa'd's tribe - welcomed the Muhaajiruun, and their money was utterly at their disposal without arrogance, abuse, or limitation.

  3. One of the heroes of Islam, one of its knights, and an honorable Companion of the Prophet (peace be upon him). We excerpt lessons and examples from his bi ography. This honorable Companion fought in the Battle of Badr, Uhud, and in the Battle of the Trench and he did not fear anyone.

  4. Sa’d bin Muadh spent only six years of his short worldly life as a Muslim but he was a fortunate Companion who attained the honor of being “the most beloved one among Ansar” for the Prophet by serving Islam greatly.

  5. Dec 9, 2020 · 1) Sayyiduna Sa'ad Ibn Mu'adh رضي الله عنه was a natural born leader. 2) He was stern and passionate about the truth. 3) He was extremely courageous and brave. 4) He was just and fair in his decision making. 5) After Islam he became dedicated to our beloved Nabi ﷺ and the Muslims.

  6. Aug 9, 2014 · In as-Sunnah by ‘Abdullah ibn al-Imam Ahmad (1058) it says: It was narrated that al-Hasan said: The Throne of the Most Merciful, may He be glorified and exalted, shook at the funeral of Sa‘d ibn Mu‘aadh (may Allah be pleased with him).

  7. Jan 22, 2023 · Ibn Abbas reported: On the day the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, buried Sa’d ibn Mu’adh, he was sitting over his grave and he said, “If anyone were to be saved from the trial of the grave, it would have been Sa’d ibn Mu’adh. He was given a mighty squeezing, but then he was relaxed.”.