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  1. Sep 4, 2014 · This month, the Jesuits in Britain’s 2014 calendar turns its attention to a French Jesuit theologian who had a huge influence on the Second Vatican Council. James Hanvey SJ introduces the theology of Henri de Lubac SJ: ‘Basic to his writing and thinking always is the recognition of the dynamism of God’s presence and action’.

  2. Sep 4, 2014 · humanity of Henri de Lubac, we can always find a resource to help us with this vocation. For a perceptive introductory discussion and descripti-on of Hans Urs Von Balthasar, The Theology of Henri de Lubac (Communio Books: Ignatius Press, 1991) Fr James Hanvey SJ To purchase a copy of the 2014 calendar, and to find out more

  3. A number of recent publications have brought new life to the debate surrounding Henri de Lubac’s writings on nature and grace. 1 At issue in this seemingly “academic” question is the novelty and gratuity of Jesus Christ in relation to creation. Embedded in the question of how Christ’s novelty relates to the order of creation is a set of further issues concerning the relationship between the Church and the world, the relationship between theology and philosophy, the ecclesial and ...

  4. Apr 30, 2013 · A New Transcendence: Speaking in the meetings before the conclave, Cardinal Bergoglio cited the last pages of Henri De Lubac’s meditation, The Splendour of the Church. He identified the danger of a Church trapped in a ‘spiritual worldliness.’ This is a self-referential Church, refusing to go beyond itself.

  5. Jul 31, 2022 · De Lubac’s discussion of the Church as paradox and mystery is rooted in the fact the Church is the Body and Bride of Christ, and the eschatological in-breaking of the Kingdom. Thus, her ...

  6. All the World is Church: The Christian Call in Henri de Lubac. Introduction For Henri de Lubac, the fundamental problem with humankind is its disunity; the original state of humankind was one in which each person was in unity with his or her neighbors and the entire race.1 Sin disrupted that unity, however, and the current ruptured state is ...

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  8. See esp. his recent The Suspended Middle: Henri De Lubac and the Debate Concerning the Supernatural (Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans, 2005), but also Theology and Social Theory (Oxford: Blackwell, 1989), pp. 218–23. For Milbank, De Lubac's emphasis on the paradox of God's gift to us of the desire for the beatific vision points towards his own argument that ‘all creation is grace-given and the constantly “new” things bestowed on humanity through history are not “in addition” to God's ...