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  1. For the most part, Symmachus maintained good relationships with the new rulers of Italy—both Odovacer and Theodoric the Great -- demonstrated by his appointment as praefectus urbi between 476 and 491, consul in 485, patricius within 510, and even reaching the influential rank of caput senatus (president of the Senate).

  2. When Maximus was threatening to invade Italy in 387, his cause was openly advocated by Symmachus, who upon the arrival of Theodosius I was impeached for treason, and forced to take refuge in a sanctuary. Having been pardoned through the intervention of numerous and powerful friends, he expressed his contrition and gratitude in an apologetic ...

  3. When Theodosius I reconquered Italy for Valentinian in 388, Symmachus was forgiven and appointed consul for 391. Under the pagan rule of Eugenius and Arbogast in 392–394 he apparently regained some of his influence and survived under Honorius until 402.

    • The Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica
  4. Oct 25, 2012 · This created an issue that the two sides agreed to present in Ravenna to king Theodoric, the Ostrogoth ruler of Italy. Theodoric favored Symmachus on the grounds that Symmachus was elected first and by a majority of the clergy. Symmachus, then, appointed Laurentius Bishop of Nocera.

    • Acacian Schism
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    The controversy at Rome tends to overshadow the role that Symmachus played in the broader theological struggle that raged throughout Christendom, especially in the East. He zealously defended the anti-Monophysite party during the conflict of the Acacian schism. In a letter to Emperor Anastasius I (491-518), he defended the opponents of the Henotiko...

    Soon after the beginning of his pontificate, Symmachus interposed in the quarrel between the archbishops of Arles and Vienne as to the boundaries of their respective territories. He annulled the edict issued by Pope Anastasius II in favor of the archbishop of Vienne and later confirmed the rights of Archbishop Caesarius of Arles, on the grounds tha...

    Symmachus left a troubled legacy. Although he was supported by the majority of the Roman clergy, he faced opposition from one of the most successful "anti-popes" in history in the person of Laurentius. Although Symmachus proved victorious in this struggle, the conflict severely harmed the reputation of the Christian faith as the religion of brother...

    Alberigo, Giuseppe. The Oecumenical councils from Nicaea I to Nicaea II (325-787). Turnhout: Brepols, 2006. ISBN 9782503523637.
    Chapman, John. Studies on the Early Papacy. Port Washington, NY: Kennikat Press, 1971. ISBN 9780804611398.
    Cunningham, Agnes. The Early Church and the State. Sources of Early Christian thought, 4. Philadelphia: Fortress Press, 1982. ISBN 9780800614133.
    Frend, W.H.C. The Rise of the Monophysite Movement. James Clarke Company, 2008. ISBN 978-0227172414.
  5. History, Classical Studies, Religion. The Religious World of Quintus Aurelius Symmachus examines the religious life of one of the last pagan senators of Rome, dates c. 340-402, who lived in a tumult...

  6. People also ask

  7. Roman senator, orator, and epistolographer (cf. letters, latin), and leading proponent of the pagan religious cause against the Christian emperors, was educated by a Gallic teacher and enjoyed a highly successful political career.