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  1. This spring tutorial provides in-depth concepts of Spring Framework with simplified examples. It was developed by Rod Johnson in 2003. Spring framework makes the easy development of JavaEE application. It is helpful for beginners and experienced persons.

  2. Our Spring Boot Tutorial includes all topics of Spring Boot such, as features, project, maven project, starter project wizard, Spring Initializr, CLI, applications, annotations, dependency management, properties, starters, Actuator, JPA, JDBC, etc.

  3. A Spring MVC is a Java framework which is used to build web applications. It follows the Model-View-Controller design pattern. It implements all the basic features of a core spring framework like Inversion of Control, Dependency Injection.

  4. › steps-to-create-spring-applicationSpring Example - javatpoint

    Let's see the simple steps to create spring application without IDE.

  5. The Spring framework comprises of many modules such as core, beans, context, expression language, AOP, Aspects, Instrumentation, JDBC, ORM, OXM, JMS, Transaction, Web, Servlet, Struts etc.

  6. Spring Cloud Tutorial provides basic and advanced concepts of Spring and Spring Boot Framework. Our Spring Cloud Tutorial is designed for beginners and professionals both. Spring Cloud is a Spring module that provides the RAD ( Rapid Application Development) feature to the Spring framework.

  7. Spring AOP Implementation. Aspect Oriented Programming (AOP) compliments OOPs in the sense that it also provides modularity. But the key unit of modularity is aspect than class. AOP breaks the program logic into distinct parts (called concerns). It is used to increase modularity by cross-cutting concerns. A cross-cutting concern is a concern ...

  8. Spring Boot is a module of the Spring Framework. It is used to create stand-alone, production-grade Spring Based Applications with minimum efforts. It is developed on top of the core Spring Framework. Spring Boot follows a layered architecture in which each layer communicates with the layer directly below or above (hierarchical structure) it.

  9. Autowiring in Spring. Autowiring feature of spring framework enables you to inject the object dependency implicitly. It internally uses setter or constructor injection. Autowiring can't be used to inject primitive and string values. It works with reference only. Advantage of Autowiring

  10. Spring Boot built-in starters make development easier and rapid. Spring Boot Starters are the dependency descriptors. In the Spring Boot Framework, all the starters follow a similar naming pattern: spring-boot-starter-*, where * denotes a particular type of application.

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