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  1. A template engine enables you to use static template files in your application. At runtime, the template engine replaces variables in a template file with actual values, and transforms the template into an HTML file sent to the client. This approach makes it easier to design an HTML page.

  2. Pug fully integrates with Express, a popular Node.js web framework, as a supported view engine. Check out Express’s excellent guide for how to integrate Pug with Express.

    • Prerequisites
    • Step 1 — Setting Up The Project
    • Step 2 — Creating An Express Server
    • Step 3 — Auto Restarting The Node.Js Server in Development
    • Step 4 — Setting Up Node.Js Templating with Pug
    • Step 5 — Serving Static Files in Express
    • Step 6 — Creating The /Search Route
    • Step 7 — Rendering The Search Results
    • Step 8 — Formatting The Date on Each Story
    • Step 9 — Handling Errors in Express

    Before you proceed with the remainder of this tutorial, ensure that you have metthe following requirements: 1. A basic understanding of the JavaScript programming language and the commandline. 2. A recent version of Node.js andnpminstalled on your computer or server.

    You'll set up the project directory and install the necessary dependencies inthis step. Open a terminal window, create a new directory for the application,and change into it as shown below: Next, initialize the project with a package.json file using the command below.You can omit the -yflag to answer the initialization questionnaire. At this point,...

    This section will take you through the process of setting up a Node.js webserver with Express. Open the terminal, and ensure that you're in your projectroot, then create and open a server.jsfile in your favorite text editor: Paste the following code into the file and save it: The code snippet above requires the express package that was installed in...

    In Node.js, changes to the source code are not reflected in an already existingprocess until it is killed and restarted. Doing this manually can be tedious sowe'll utilize the PM2process manager to addressthis concern. You can install its NPM package to your project through thecommand below: Afterward, open your package.jsonfile in your text editor...

    A templating engine is used to produce HTML documents from a data model. Ittypically processes predefined templates and input data to create a portion of aweb page or a complete document. There areseveral Node.js templating enginesthat are compatible with Express, but we've opted for Pug here due to its statusas the recommended default. Open a sepa...

    In the default.pug template, we referenced a style.css file but this filedoes not exist yet. The same thing can be observed in home.pug where we alsolinked to non-existent hn.png file. Let's create these files inside css andimages directories within a publicdirectory at the project root: We now have a public directory to store static assets such as...

    The form on the application homepage makes a GET request to the /search routewhen it is submitted, with the q parameter set to the value of the searchquery. In this step, we will create this route on the server through app.get()to handle form submissions. Open your server.jsfile, and enter the following code below the handler forthe root route: The...

    Let's create a template for rendering the search results in the views folder.You can call the file search.pug. Enter the following code into the file: This template extends from default.pug, and provides its own content block,which consists of a search form and a section where the search results areconditionally rendered. The searchResults object i...

    Return to your terminal and install the date-fns package through npm: Once the installation completes, add the following line to your server.jsfilejust above the handler for the site root: The app.localsobject contains properties that are local variables in theapplication, and they persist for the entire lifetime of the application. Thisis useful f...

    Errors can happen anytime, so we need to account for them in any application webuild. Express simplifies error handling in routes by providing a specialmiddleware function with four arguments. Place the snippet below in yourserver.js file, just above the servervariable. This function must be placed after all other app.use() calls and after allroute...

    • Ayooluwa Isaiah
  3. Nov 23, 2022 · In this article, we are going to learn how to use the pug engine in Express.js. Let us first start by creating a node.js project named pug. For that let’s create the folder named pug and run the command npm init in it.

  4. In this tutorial, we will introduce you to the basics of Express.js, a Node.js framework, by setting up a simple HTTP web server, and use an HTML templating engine called Pug, which earlier was known as Jade. Create a working directory for your project, say, /node-project.

  5. Oct 7, 2021 · Learn how to use Express and the Pug template engine to build a website in Node.js. Create user interfaces using Pug and CSS with Express.

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  7. Apr 17, 2024 · In this guide, we will explore two widely used template engines in Express.js – EJS and Pug (formerly known as Jade). We will discuss how to set up these template engines and use them effectively in your Express.js projects. Installing EJS and Pug To begin using either EJS or Pug with Express.js, you first need to install the respective packages.

  1. Searches related to pug nodejs express

    pug tutorial
    pug template
    express js
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