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  1. Remove Duplicates from Sorted Array. Easy. Given an integer array nums sorted in non-decreasing order, remove the duplicates in-place such that each unique element appears only once. The relative order of the elements should be kept the same. Then return the number of unique elements in nums.

  2. Given an integer array nums sorted in non-decreasing order, remove some duplicates in-place such that each unique element appears at most twice. The relative order of the elements should be kept the same .

  3. Dec 12, 2020 · Given a sorted array nums, remove the duplicates in-place such that each element appears only once and returns the new length. Do not allocate extra space for another array, you must do this by modifying the input array in-place with O (1) extra memory.

  4. The Remove Duplicates from Sorted Array Leetcode Solution – says that you’re given an integer array sorted in non-decreasing order. We need to remove all duplicate elements and modify the original arra y such that the relative order of distinct elements remains the same and, report the value of k which denotes the first k elements of the ...

  5. Remove Duplicates from Sorted Array. Time: O (n) O(n) Space: O (n) O(n) C++ Java Python. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12. class Solution { public: int removeDuplicates(vector<int>& nums) { int i = 0; for (const int num : nums) if (i < 1 || num > nums[i - 1]) nums[i++] = num; return i; } };

  6. Sep 29, 2021 · We need to remove duplicates from the nums array so that nums only contains unique element and relative order of the element should be preserved. We cannot use additional memory and need...

  7. Can you solve this real interview question? Remove Duplicates from Sorted List - Level up your coding skills and quickly land a job. This is the best place to expand your knowledge and get prepared for your next interview.

  8. Apr 8, 2022 · Normally, removing duplicates from a sorted array would be quick work. You just add each value to a set. Since all values in sets must be unique you simply return the values contained in the set.

  9. Jun 25, 2021 · We are going to remove duplicate elements from a sorted array using javascript. We will also learn how to use the splice method to remove elements from an array. We are given an integer array which is called nums with elements sorted in non-decreasing order, that is the elements will be in ascending order.

  10. Aug 3, 2021 · In this Leetcode Remove Duplicates from Sorted Array problem solution we have given an integer array nums sorted in non-decreasing order, remove the duplicates in-place such that each unique element appears only once. The relative order of the elements should be kept the same.