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  1. InnoDB supports the SQL statements SAVEPOINT, ROLLBACK TO SAVEPOINT, RELEASE SAVEPOINT and the optional WORK keyword for ROLLBACK. The SAVEPOINT statement sets a named transaction savepoint with a name of identifier .

  2. Savepoint is a command in SQL that is used with the rollback command. It is a command in Transaction Control Language that is used to mark the transaction in a table. Consider you are making a very long table, and you want to roll back only to a certain position in a table then; this can be achieved using the savepoint.

  3. The SAVEPOINT statement is used to set a save point for the transaction with the specified name. If a save point with the given name already exists the old one will be deleted. Syntax. Following is the syntax of the MySQL SAVEPOINT statement −. SAVEPOINT identifier. Example. MySQL saves the changes done after the execution of each statement.

  4. In SQL, a SAVEPOINT is a mechanism that allows you to create a point within a transaction to which you can later roll back. This feature is particularly useful when you want to implement a partial rollback in case of errors or other exceptional conditions within a transaction.

  5. The SAVEPOINT in MySQL is used for dividing (or) breaking a transaction into multiple units so that the user has a chance of roll backing the transaction up to a specified point. That means using Save Point we can roll back a part of a transaction instead of the entire transaction. Example to understand SAVEPOINT in MySQL.

  6. SAVEPOINT command save the current point with the unique name in the processing of a transaction. Syntax. SAVEPOINT savepoint_name; Example. SQL> CREATE TABLE emp_data ( no NUMBER(3), . name VARCHAR(50), . code VARCHAR(12) ); Table created. SQL> SAVEPOINT table_create; Savepoint created.

  7. Jan 16, 2019 · To make things even better, also available within a TRANSACTION is something called a SAVEPOINT. You just have to use it because it is not there by default. By creating a custom-named SAVEPOINT any active TRANSACTION can be rolled back via ROLLBACK TO save_point_name syntax to that specific location within the TRANSACTION.

  8. Dec 25, 2023 · In this article, we will explore the concept of savepoints in MySQL and how they can be used to rollback specific parts of a transaction. We will also discuss how to create, use, and release savepoints, as well as how to list all savepoints in a table.

  9. SQL SAVEPOINT. The SAVEPOINT command in SQL allows us to set a point within a transaction to which we can roll back without affecting the entire transaction. This is particularly useful in managing long or complex transactions. Consider a scenario where we are updating records in the Customers table and want to create a savepoint after each update.

  10. InnoDB supports the SQL statements SAVEPOINT, ROLLBACK TO SAVEPOINT, RELEASE SAVEPOINT and the optional WORK keyword for ROLLBACK. The SAVEPOINT statement sets a named transaction savepoint with a name of identifier .