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  1. May 21, 2023 · A package provides an easy way to add shimmer effect in Flutter project.

  2. Effects. Create a shimmer loading effect. Contents. Draw the shimmer shapes. Paint the shimmer gradient. Paint one big shimmer. Animate the shimmer. Interactive example. Loading times are unavoidable in application development. From a user experience (UX) perspective, the most important thing is to show your users that loading is taking place.

  3. Oct 28, 2020 · In Flutter, Shimmer is used to add beautiful animations while content is loading from the servers in an application. This makes the UI look more responsive and secures users from leaving a slow internet interaction.

  4. Jan 3, 2024 · To enhance the user experience, adding a shimmer effect can provide visual feedback that something is happening in the background. In this tutorial, we’ll explore how to integrate a shimmer...

  5. Dec 29, 2021 · Shimmer effects are loading indicators used when fetching data from a data source that can either be local or remote. It paints a view that may be similar to the actual data to be rendered on the screen when the data is available.

  6. Shimmer Effect is a loading indicator that is visible to the user when data is loading from the remote data source. This will increase user retention and improve the UX experience compared to the circular progress indicator. You will learn how you can create a shimmer effect in Flutter. Flutter Shimmer.

  7. Mar 13, 2023 · The Shimmer effect package provides a customizable widget that adds a shimmering effect to any Flutter widget. This can be useful for indicating that a widget is currently loading or animating, and can be applied to buttons, text fields, images, and more.