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  1. Learn to program with Karel, a simple and fun robot that can move, turn, and place beepers. This webpage from Stanford University introduces the basics of programming with Karel in Java or Python, and provides interactive exercises and examples. You can also access the Karel IDE, a tool to write and run your own Karel programs, and join the Karel community to share your creations.

  2. Karel IDE - Stanford University ... World: ...

  3. What is Karel? Karel is a very simple robot living in a very simple world. By giving Karel a set of commands, you can direct it to perform certain tasks within its world. The process of specifying those commands is called programming.

  4. Karel is a robot that lives and walks in certain worlds, in which it can perform certain actions if we ask it to, while we learn to program in R. The robot Karel assists in the teaching of fundamental programming concepts, such as the processor (Karel), environment (its world), objects (called beepers ), and actions (the activities it can perform).

  5. Karel The Robot is a simple teaching environment for imperative programming basics. The original idea was developed in the 1970s by Richard Pattis at Stanford University:

  6. Karel is an educational programming language for beginners, created by Richard E. Pattis in his book Karel The Robot: A Gentle Introduction to the Art of Programming. Pattis used the language in his courses at Stanford University, California.

  7. Karel the Robot is a programming language created for educational purposes by Dr. R. E. Pattis from Stanford University (California, USA), who also wrote the book Karel the Robot: A Gentle Introduction to the Art of Programming in 1981.

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