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  1. Nov 4, 2016 · During the final battle, the only thing Arjuna did was kill Karna's support and he did not run anything significant against him, although he counteracted some of his weapons.

  2. Krishna was not afraid of the presence of Drona because he knew that Drupad had performed a Yagna and given birth to Dhristyadhumna, who would slay Drona in the battlefield. Krishna is however, afraid of Karna’s presence because this man has never committed a sin.

  3. During the war, Krishna brings forth all his ruthlessness to corner Karna and to kill him. But when Arjuna asks Krishna how Karna was vanquished, he answers that a number of factors came together to kill Karna.

  4. May 3, 2017 · 1. Karna was sharper than Yudhishtira. youtube/startv. Here’s why. Once, Arjuna asked Lord Krishna why he called Yudhishtira, Dharamaraj, and Karna, Daanveer. To answer this question, Krishna disguised himself and Arjuna as Brahmins and decided to visit both the kings. On visiting Yudhishitra, they asked for sandalwood to cook food.

  5. Apr 25, 2020 · According to Lord Krishna, Karna Died due to the following 6 cures he was having. Otherwise, it was impossible to kill Karna. First, the brahmin cursed Karna that the wheel of his chariot would sink when he was in an epic fight of his life.

  6. Dec 9, 2015 · Krishna explained to Arjuna that the Dharma-devata herself was protecting Karna from death because of the massive good merit Karna earned by giving charity during his lifetime and it was impossible even for Lord Shiva to kill Karna.

  7. 1 hour ago · Karna, the eldest son of Kunti and Sun God, was keen to acquire the Brahmastra mantra (the arrow which had the power to destroy the world) from Parshuram. However, Karna was a Kshatriya – from warrior class. Parashuram was a sworn enemy of the Kshatriyas. He only gave lessons to Brahmins – the priestly class.

  8. Why did Krishna offer Draupadi to Karna? At the beginning of the war, Karna is the only warrior on either side that is both capable of and willing to kill Arjuna.

  9. Oct 3, 2019 · Arjuna then ordered Lord Krishna, "Proceed toward the son of Karna. I will kill him within his father's sight." Unsupported by anyone, Vrishasena challenged Arjuna releasing many different kinds of arrows. He pierced Arjuna's arm with ten arrows and Krishna also with ten.

  10. Apr 13, 2015 · Karna was a great warrior, in many ways greater than Arjuna. They may have been equal as archers, but physically, Karna was by far the stronger of the two. And even in sticking to one’s principles, Karna appeared more steadfast compared with Arjuna. But in Karna’s life there was one fatal flaw.