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  1. In computing, a process is the instance of a computer program that is being executed by one or many threads.

  2. Dec 28, 2023 · A process is an instance of a program currently running on a computer. It represents the active execution of a program by the CPU and can range from a small background task to a comprehensive application, like a word processor or web browser.

  3. Dec 25, 2023 · A process can be described as an instance of a program running on a computer or as an entity that can be assigned to and executed on a processor. A program becomes a process when loaded into memory and thus is an active entity.

  4. A process is an instance of a program running in a computer. It is close in meaning to task , a term used in some operating systems. In UNIX and some other operating systems, a process is started when a program is initiated (either by a user entering a shell command or by another program).

  5. Jul 12, 2024 · A process is anactiveentity instead of a program, which is considered a ‘passive’ entity. A single program can create many processes when run multiple times; for example, when we open a .exe or binary file multiple times, multiple instances begin (multiple processes are created).

  6. 4.1 Introduction. A process is the unit of work in modern time-sharing systems. A system has a collection of processes – user processes as well as system processes. All these processes can execute concurrently with the CPU multiplexed among them.

  7. A process is a program in execution which then forms the basis of all computation. The process is not as same as program code but a lot more than it. A process is an 'active' entity as opposed to the program which is considered to be a 'passive' entity.

  8. A process is defined as an entity which represents the basic unit of work to be implemented in the system. To put it in simple terms, we write our computer programs in a text file and when we execute this program, it becomes a process which performs all the tasks mentioned in the program.

  9. Oct 19, 2022 · What is a process? We are all familiar with the modern operating system running many tasks all at once or multitasking. We can think of each process as a bundle of elements kept by the kernel to keep track of all these running tasks.

  10. Feb 15, 2021 · In computing, a process is the instance of a computer program that is being executed by one or many threads. It contains the program code and its activity. Depending on the operating system (OS), a process may be made up of multiple threads of execution that execute instructions concurrently.