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  1. Dec 17, 2021 · Imperative sentence examples. An imperative sentence can tell its subject to do (or not do) just about anything. Take a look at a few more examples: Don’t answer the door unless your parents are home. Please open with care. Judge the submissions by their artistic merit, not their technical skill.

  2. Definition of an Imperative Sentence. According to the Oxford Learner’s Dictionary, an imperative sentence is defined as one “expressing an order” and according to the Cambridge Dictionary, an imperative sentence is “a sentence that gives a command or gives a request to do something”. An imperative sentence, according to the Collins Dictionary, is one that is used to denote “a mood of verbs used in giving orders, making requests, etc.”

  3. Sep 21, 2021 · One of the verb moods is the imperative mood, which is the mood that forms a command. Imperative verbs often start imperative sentences. For example, Stop! Give that back! Clean your room. Please change the channel. Yes, “Stop!” is a single verb and a complete sentence all on its own when it is used as a command.

  4. Imperative verb: Run to the hills. Example 2: Infinitive form: to be. Bare infinitive form: to be. Imperative verb: Be the best version of yourself. Example 3: Infinitive form: to do. Bare infinitive form: to do. Imperative verb: If you've heard this story before, do not stop me, because I'd like to hear it again.

  5. Negative Imperative Sentence Examples. Imperative sentences can also be negative and usually begin with ‘don’t. ’ Here are some examples: Don’t forget your lunch. Don’t curse at the table, please. Don’t swim after eating. Don’t jaywalk. Don’t eat so fast! Don’t leave your clothes on the floor, please.

  6. The final punctuation is usually a full-stop/period (.) or an exclamation mark/point (!. Imperative sentences can be in positive or negative form, and can refer to present or future time.. What is the function of an imperative sentence? The usual function (job) of an imperative sentence is to give a command or instruction.

  7. Some of the big ones that you use are “don’t,” “please,” “go,” and so on. Imperatives tell someone what to do or not to do. Look at these two sentences: Don’t feed the dog. Imperative verb “don’t” expressing a command. He didn’t feed the dog. Indicative verb “didn’t,” reflecting a lack of action. Imperative verbs ...

  8. Aug 4, 2023 · Imperative sentences are a type of sentence that is used to give commands, instructions or to express requests. It is a sentence that tells someone to do something. Imperative sentences are often used in everyday conversations, written instructions, or manuals. Imperative sentences are usually written in the second person, but the subject is ...

  9. Jun 1, 2024 · Imperative sentence examples: Get out of my way! Stop talking and open your book. Go upstairs. Brush your teeth. Read the instructions. Switch off your mobiles. Don’t be late! Types of Imperative Sentences with Examples. Imperative Sentences are used for advice, suggestions, requests, commands, orders or instructions…, specifically as follows. A request. Example: Please consider. An invitation. Example: Come to my party.

  10. Aug 11, 2022 · When you're writing an imperative sentence, it means that you're giving a command. These imperative sentence examples show how to do it right every time.

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