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    • Largest collection of high quality wallpapers

      About - Wallpaper Cave
      • WallpaperCave is the largest collection of high quality wallpapers that you can find online. It’s easy, convenient and fun to use. Everyday we sort through thousands of images to find the very best wallpapers we can bring to you. Wallpapers for every taste, occasion and device.
  1. People also ask

  2. WallpaperCave is an online community of desktop wallpapers enthusiasts. Join now to share and explore tons of collections of awesome wallpapers.

  3. About WallpaperCave. WallpaperCave is the largest collection of high quality wallpapers that you can find online. It’s easy, convenient and fun to use. Everyday we sort through thousands of images to find the very best wallpapers we can bring to you. Wallpapers for every taste, occasion and device.

  4. What is WallpaperCave? WallpaperCave is an online community of desktop wallpapers enthusiasts. You can read more about us or contact us if you have any questions, thanks! Community Rules. Read about how to contribute wallpapers and other community rules to keep our content and community safe, respectful and high quality

  5. Is the website "Wallpapercave" safe? Open | Malware I wanted to get some wallpapers and I used the site (I've used it a few times before) but this time I got Malwarebytes Browser Guard and It blocked the site and said that it was Malware.

    • Overview
    • Vladstudio
    • WallpaperStock
    • DesktopNexus
    • DeviantArt
    • Wallhaven
    • Wallpaper Cave
    • Simple Desktops
    • Bing Wallpaper Archive

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    If you've ever wondered where you can go to get the best free wallpaper for your computer, then look no further. We've reviewed and gathered a list of the best free wallpaper sites that are out there on the internet.

    You'll find free wallpaper for your desktop computer, laptop, tablet, phone, and other mobile devices. There's just about every category of wallpaper available, from abstract to nature.

    These free wallpaper sites were reviewed based on the quality, uniqueness, and quantity of wallpapers on their sites. They were also reviewed on how easy it was to search for wallpapers and how pleasant the download experience was.

    These free wallpaper sites truly are the best of the best, and might very well become your go-to when it comes to downloading free wallpaper.

    You can find our picks for all kinds of free wallpapers in categories like free beach wallpapers, autumn wallpapers, holiday wallpapers, ocean wallpapers, summer wallpapers, and much more.

    Vladstudio is our top pick for the best free wallpaper site, and after you visit you'll quickly see why. These are all original wallpapers that are so unique and vivid you'll have trouble tearing your eyes away from the screen.

    This isn't your average free wallpaper site, and with one visit to Vladstudio, I'm guessing you'll be a believer.

    WallpaperStock also makes our list of best free wallpaper sites mainly due to the huge volume of high-quality wallpapers that they have in every category imaginable.

    With this large collection of original wallpapers and easy to use navigation, you can easily find the type of free wallpaper you want at WallpaperStock.

    The hundreds of thousands of free wallpapers at DesktopNexus are organized so nicely that it makes it super simple to find a wallpaper that you like.

    The real treat comes when you're ready to add one of their free wallpapers to your computer and they resize automatically to fit.

    DeviantArt is much more than a free wallpaper site, which you'll soon find out can be both good and bad.

    You'll find very unique and original free wallpaper at DeviantArt, but actually locating them may prove to be quite a task. is a free wallpaper site with a lot of HD wallpapers that look great and are over a wide variety of different subjects.

    The ideal resolution for your device is automatically selected or you can use the drop-down button to choose a different one.

    Wallhaven is a favorite free wallpaper website mostly because of the stunning and unique images that you won't see anywhere else. There's something for everyone from realism to the completely abstract.

    You can view the wallpapers by searching by keyword, viewing the most recently added, bringing up a random page of wallpapers, selecting a color, and more.

    Wallpaper Cave is another website with free wallpaper with over 20 categories to help you find something you'll like. One section is for "other" wallpaper, so there's surely lots to pick from here.

    The Wallpaper Cave home page shows which search terms are trending this week, showcases featured wallpapers and albums, and lists all the most recently liked wallpapers. You can also find the most downloaded wallpapers from today to join in on what's trending.

    Simple Desktops is exactly what it seems, a collection of wallpapers with simple and clean designs that any minimalist is going to love.

    There are some super simple designs with solid backgrounds and others that are little busier but still keep it simple and stunning.

    Every day, Bing has a new image available on their home page. This gallery puts them all together in wallpaper form so you can look at them all from past years.

    There are so many beautiful images here you'll find it difficult to choose your favorite.

  6. Nov 8, 2022 · Discussion Info. Last updated April 15, 2024 Views 5,688 Applies to: Windows. / Windows 10. / Security and privacy. I got a wallpaper from and when i added it as my wallpaper my virus protection Bitdefender said my computer was diagnosed with malware from the wallpaper! The wallpaper turned black.

  7. for gaming movies and minimal 4K wallpapers. r/wallpaperdump. Hey, just stumbled upon this site called Pixexid. It's kinda cool, especially if you're into AI-generated art. They've got a bunch of free wallpapers you can grab.