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  1. Radioactive decay (also known as nuclear decay, radioactivity, radioactive disintegration, or nuclear disintegration) is the process by which an unstable atomic nucleus loses energy by radiation. A material containing unstable nuclei is considered radioactive. Three of the most common types of decay are alpha, beta, and gamma decay.

  2. Learn about radioactivity, the phenomenon of nuclear instability and emission of radiation. Explore the law of radioactive decay, the types of decay (alpha, beta and gamma) and their formulas and examples.

  3. Sep 12, 2022 · Radioactive Decay Law. When an individual nucleus transforms into another with the emission of radiation, the nucleus is said to decay. Radioactive decay occurs for all nuclei with \(Z > 82\), and also for some unstable isotopes with \(Z < 83\). The decay rate is proportional to the number of original (undecayed) nuclei N in a substance.

  4. May 3, 2024 · Learn about the natural phenomenon of radioactive decay, in which unstable atomic nuclei transform into more stable ones by emitting radiation. Explore the three main types of decay (alpha, beta, and gamma), the formula to calculate the decay rate, and the applications in various fields.

    • Overview
    • The nature of radioactive emissions
    • Types of radioactivity
    • Alpha decay
    • Beta-minus decay
    • GeneratedCaptionsTabForHeroSec

    radioactivity, property exhibited by certain types of matter of emitting energy and subatomic particles spontaneously. It is, in essence, an attribute of individual atomic nuclei.

    An unstable nucleus will decompose spontaneously, or decay, into a more stable configuration but will do so only in a few specific ways by emitting certain particles or certain forms of electromagnetic energy. Radioactive decay is a property of several naturally occurring elements as well as of artificially produced isotopes of the elements. The rate at which a radioactive element decays is expressed in terms of its half-life; i.e., the time required for one-half of any given quantity of the isotope to decay. Half-lives range from more than 1024 years for some nuclei to less than 10−23 second (see below Rates of radioactive transitions). The product of a radioactive decay process—called the daughter of the parent isotope—may itself be unstable, in which case it, too, will decay. The process continues until a stable nuclide has been formed.

    The emissions of the most common forms of spontaneous radioactive decay are the alpha (α) particle, the beta (β) particle, the gamma (γ) ray, and the neutrino. The alpha particle is actually the nucleus of a helium-4 atom, with two positive charges 4/2He. Such charged atoms are called ions. The neutral helium atom has two electrons outside its nucleus balancing these two charges. Beta particles may be negatively charged (beta minus, symbol e−), or positively charged (beta plus, symbol e+). The beta minus [β−] particle is actually an electron created in the nucleus during beta decay without any relationship to the orbital electron cloud of the atom. The beta plus particle, also called the positron, is the antiparticle of the electron; when brought together, two such particles will mutually annihilate each other. Gamma rays are electromagnetic radiations such as radio waves, light, and X-rays. Beta radioactivity also produces the neutrino and antineutrino, particles that have no charge and very little mass, symbolized by ν and ν, respectively.

    In the less common forms of radioactivity, fission fragments, neutrons, or protons may be emitted. Fission fragments are themselves complex nuclei with usually between one-third and two-thirds the charge Z and mass A of the parent nucleus. Neutrons and protons are, of course, the basic building blocks of complex nuclei, having approximately unit mass on the atomic scale and having zero charge or unit positive charge, respectively. The neutron cannot long exist in the free state. It is rapidly captured by nuclei in matter; otherwise, in free space it will undergo beta-minus decay to a proton, an electron, and an antineutrino with a half-life of 12.8 minutes. The proton is the nucleus of ordinary hydrogen and is stable.

    The early work on natural radioactivity associated with uranium and thorium ores identified two distinct types of radioactivity: alpha and beta decay.

    In alpha decay, an energetic helium ion (alpha particle) is ejected, leaving a daughter nucleus of atomic number two less than the parent and of atomic mass number four less than the parent. An example is the decay (symbolized by an arrow) of the abundant isotope of uranium, 238U, to a thorium daughter plus an alpha particle:

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    Given for this and subsequent reactions are the energy released (Q) in millions of electron volts (MeV) and the half-life (t1⁄2). It should be noted that in alpha decays the charges, or number of protons, shown in subscript are in balance on both sides of the arrow, as are the atomic masses, shown in superscript.

    In beta-minus decay, an energetic negative electron is emitted, producing a daughter nucleus of one higher atomic number and the same mass number. An example is the decay of the uranium daughter product thorium-234 into protactinium-234:

    In the above reaction for beta decay, ν represents the antineutrino. Here, the number of protons is increased by one in the reaction, but the total charge remains the same, because an electron, with negative charge, is also created.

    Radioactivity is the property of some nuclei to emit energy and particles spontaneously. Learn about the types of radioactivity (alpha, beta, gamma, etc.), their applications, and their rates of decay.

  5. Sep 25, 2023 · Radioactive decay is a physical phenomenon that involves the spontaneous transformation of unstable atomic nuclei into more stable ones. This nuclear process plays a crucial role in nuclear physics and has significant implications in fields such as medicine and geological dating.

  6. Oct 27, 2022 · The naturally occurring radioactive isotopes of the heaviest elements fall into chains of successive disintegrations, or decays, and all the species in one chain constitute a radioactive family, or radioactive decay series. Three of these series include most of the naturally radioactive elements of the periodic table.

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