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  1. › wiki › VikramadityaVikramaditya - Wikipedia

    Vikramaditya means "the sun of valour" (vikrama means "valour" and aditya means "sun").He is also known as Vikrama, Bikramjit and Vikramarka (arka also means "sun"). Some legends describe him as a liberator of India from mlechchha invaders; the invaders are identified as Shakas in most, and the king is known by the epithet Shakari (IAST: Śakāri; "enemy of the Shakas").

  2. Chandragupta II (r.c. 375-415), also known by his title Vikramaditya, as well as Chandragupta Vikramaditya, was the third ruler of the Gupta Empire in India.Modern scholars generally identify him with King Chandra of the Delhi iron pillar inscription.. Chandragupta II continued the expansionist policy of his father Samudragupta through military conquests and marital alliances. Historical evidence attests to his remarkable victories, which include the defeat of the Sassanids, the conquest of ...

  3. The legendary Vikramaditya is a popular figure in both Sanskrit and regional languages in India. Vikramaditya may have lived in the first century B.C.E. and may have been defeated by the King Shalivahana. According to the Katha-sarita-sagara account, written in the twelfth century C.E., he had been the son of Ujjain's King Mahendraditya of the Paramara dynasty. According to other sources, Vikramaditya also has been recorded as an ancestor of the Tuar dynasty of Delhi.

  4. INS Vikramaditya (Sanskrit: Vikramāditya, Brave as the Sun) is a modified Kiev-class aircraft carrier and the flagship of the Indian Navy.The carrier entered into service in 2013. Originally built as Baku and commissioned in 1987, the carrier served with the Soviet Navy and later with the Russian Navy (as Admiral Gorshkov) before being decommissioned in 1996. After years of negotiations, the carrier was purchased by India on 20 January 2004. The transformed ship completed her sea trials in ...

  5. Sep 17, 2016 · September 17: Today is the day King Vikramaditya of Ujjain, perhaps the greatest ruler that Bharath has seen was coronated. Vikramaditya started the Vikrama Samvat era in 719 BCE, after defeating the Shakas. Vikramaditya’s empire stretched from the Indus river in the west, Badaristhana in the north, Kapila in the east and Setubandha (Rameshwaram) in the south. According to the Bhavishya Purana:

  6. A strong and vigorous ruler, Chandragupta II was well qualified to govern an extensive empire. Some of his silver coins bear the title Vikramaditya (“Sun of Valour”), which suggests that he was the prototype for the king Vikramaditya of later Hindu tradition. Although the emperor generally resided at Ayodhya, which he made his capital, the city of Pataliputra (now Patna in Bihar) also achieved prosperity and grandeur. A benevolent king under whom India enjoyed peace and relative ...

  7. Feb 7, 2021 · Vikramaditya Empire: Unveiling the Storied Legacy. Emperor Vikramaditya of Ujjain the most powerful and just king in Indian History, made Bharat(India) a gold rich country to the extent that India used to be referred as (सोने की चिड़िया) Golden bird.

  8. By Arun Kumar Upadhyay. Paramāra king Vikramāditya of Ujjain is a central figure in history after Bhagavān Śrī Krishna and the end of Yudhiṣṭhira's rule in 3102 BC. Vikramāditya revised the calendar system with his Vikrama-samvat in 57 BC which is still used as the standard for all festivals.The calendar of his grandson Śālivāhana-śaka is also used for some calculations.

  9. Samudragupta was succeeded by his son Chandragupta II popularly known as Vikramaditya. He ruled from 380 AD to 413 AD. According to some scholars the immediate successor of Samudragupta was his son Ramagupta, the elder brother of Chandragupta II. This has been mentioned by Visakhadutta in his drama Devi Chandragupta. In between Samudragupta and Chandragupta II for a period of five years (375 to 380) Ramagupta became the ruler. He was a weak and feeble ruler and was unable to uphold royal ...

  10. Jun 5, 2023 · Vikramaditya I - Background. Vikramaditya I was the third son of Pulakesin II.; He set himself the task of repelling the Pallava invasion and restoring the unity of his father's kingdom with the assistance of his maternal grandfather Bhuvikarma or Durvineet of the Western Ganga Dynasty.; He was able to put an end to Pallava's thirteen-year occupation and capture of Vatapi.

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