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  1. › wiki › DictatorDictator - Wikipedia

    The word dictator comes from the Latin word dictātor, agent noun from dictare (say repeatedly, assert, order). A dictator was a Roman magistrate given sole power for a limited duration. Originally an emergency legal appointment in the Roman Republic and the Etruscan culture, the term dictator did not have the negative meaning it has now. It started to get its modern negative meaning with Cornelius Sulla's ascension to the dictatorship following Sulla's civil war, making himself the first ...

  2. Jun 9, 2024 · Dictator, a single person who possesses absolute political power within a country or territory or a member of a small group that exercises such power. Dictators usually resort to force or fraud to gain power, which they maintain through the use of intimidation, terror, and the suppression of basic civil liberties.

  3. Ask a Question Ask a Question dictatorship, form of government in which one person or a small group possesses absolute power without effective constitutional limitations. The term dictatorship comes from the Latin title dictator, which in the Roman Republic designated a temporary magistrate who was granted extraordinary powers in order to deal with state crises. Modern dictators, however, resemble ancient tyrants rather than ancient dictators. Ancient philosophers’ descriptions of the ...

  4. › wiki › DictatorshipDictatorship - Wikipedia

    A dictatorship is an autocratic form of government which is characterized by a leader, or a group of leaders, who hold governmental powers with few to no limitations.Politics in a dictatorship are controlled by a dictator, and they are facilitated through an inner circle of elites that includes advisers, generals, and other high-ranking officials.The dictator maintains control by influencing and appeasing the inner circle and repressing any opposition, which may include rival political ...

  5. DICTATOR definition: 1. a leader who has complete power in a country and has not been elected by the people 2. a person…. Learn more.

  6. dictator: [noun] one holding complete autocratic control : a person with unlimited governmental power. one ruling in an absolute (see absolute 2) and often oppressive way.

  7. Nov 21, 2023 · Dictator Meaning. The meaning of dictator is to grant a person absolute or unlimited government power during an emergency. But in a modern-day dictatorship government, one person (or a small group ...

  8. Political system - Dictatorship, Autocracy, Oppression: While royal rule, as legitimized by blood descent, had almost vanished as an effective principle of government in the modern world, monocracy—a term that comprehends the rule of non-Western royal absolutists, of generals and strongmen in Latin America and Asia, of a number of leaders in postcolonial Africa, and of the totalitarian heads of communist states—still flourished. Indeed, the 20th century, which witnessed the careers of ...

  9. 4 days ago · In modern usage, absolute rule unrestricted by law, constitutions, or other political or social factors within the state. The original dictators, however, were magistrates in ancient Italian cities (including Rome) who were allocated absolute power during a period of emergency.

  10. Jul 16, 2019 · Characterized by Adolf Hitler in Nazi Germany and Joseph Stalin in the Soviet Union, the totalitarian and fascist dictators who rose to power during the first half of the 20th century were significantly different from the authoritarian rulers of postcolonial Latin America. These modern dictators tended to be charismatic individuals who rallied the people to support the ideology of a single political party like the Nazi or communist parties.

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