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  1. The power of the mind revolves around a simple yet profound principle: what we focus on, we attract. Here's how to leverage it. ...

  2. Jun 18, 2018 · Mind this: Research reveals the power of the mind. Becky Bach June 18, 2018. From that tangle of cells in our heads arises the elusive, but uber-powerful, mind -- the swirl of thoughts and perceptions that forms our sense of self. Researchers are homing in on the mind by learning ever more about what it can do and how it can change.

    • Study #1: Visualization Creates Results
    • Study #2: Smiling Improves Mood
    • Study #3: Thought Management Lowers Stress
    • Study #4. The Brain Can Produce Serotonin on Its Own
    • Study #5. People Can “Think” Their Way to Releasing Weight
    • Study #6. Positivity and Meditation Prolongs Life
    • Study #7. The Placebo Effect

    There are certain physical feats that we can only achieve when we actively pursue them. However, visualization – the recreation of all the images, sounds and feelings in your mind surrounding an activity – can create some astounding experiences. Psychologist Alan Richardson set out to prove the power of visualization through an experiment. Richards...

    Specifically known as the ‘Facial Feedback Hypothesis’, scientists have known for a long time that changing your body through actions such as smiling, sitting up straight, and relaxing, are followed by positive emotional responses. One of these studiestook place in the late 1980’s. Researchers did not want to reveal that the study was about smiling...

    Something else amazing about the human brain: it cannot tell the difference between a real or imagined threat. Don Joseph Goeway, the author of Mystic Cool: A proven approach to transcend stress, achieve optimal brain function, and maximize your creative intelligence has plenty of experience in this area. Goeway managed the department of psychiatry...

    Serotonin is an essential brain chemical because it increases will power, delays gratification, and increases attention to detail. It impacts every part of the mind. Despite the proliferation of prescription medications and supplements, your brain is more than capable of producing serotonin on its own. If for whatever reason your serotonin level is...

    This experimentinvolved a Harvard psychologist and a group of mostly overweight hotel maids. Despite exceeding the recommended amount of exercise, 67% of the maids did not consider themselves physically active. Langer, the psychologist, predicted that the maid’s viewpoints on their physical activity made it difficult for them to lose weight. To tes...

    In 1989, Dr. David Spiegel of Stanford University took on a studyconsisting of 86 women in the late stages of breast cancer. Then he split the group into halves. One group received only prescribed medical care. However, the other group received weekly support sessions in addition to medical care. During these weekly sessions, patients shared their ...

    Placebosare pills, medications, or procedures that are prescribed only for the psychological benefit of the patient. In fact, pharmaceutical studies frequently employ placebos to affect the human mind and other areas as well. In fact, as researchers are discovering that placebos are at times more effective than actual medication, the pharmaceutical...

    • Be Conscious About What You’re Putting in Your Head. The first step to unlocking your mind power is removing thoughts that have negative emotions. This means removing negative self-talk and setting aside fear.
    • Work on Desire. While our subconscious mind acts on negativity, it’ll also act on positivity. In particular, it feeds off conveyed desire. Again, our mind power needs to have a goal in mind and, if that goal is fueled with desire, our mind will push for that.
    • Have the Right Sources. One common blockade people run into is a lack of knowledge. Often, people know certain areas are problems in their lives but don’t know where to start.
    • Give Yourself a Drive to Learn. Feeding off the previous point, your hunger for knowledge and learning shouldn’t be small. But it shouldn’t be so big that you’re only learning and not applying.
  3. Feb 17, 2022 · The power of the mind is a tool we are still discovering and just beginning to unleash. The capability we each possess is far greater than most of us can even begin to imagine. This article ...

  4. Mar 20, 2023 · Sure, the power of the mind can be worked on. You may strengthen it or train it to improve your life. What matters is that you’re willing and learn to grab the bull by its horn. The law of attraction and creative visualisations heavily rely on your mind’s strength. Thoughts are effective because of your focus, excitement, and interest.

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  6. Sep 15, 2021 · Dr. Towery assures, “the good news is mindsets are highly changeable, and if you are willing to learn the technology of changing your mindset and defeating your distorted thoughts, you can have ...