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  1. Sep 11, 2020 · Taifu-ikka (台風一過) Meaning: Clear weather after a typhoon has passed, blue skies after a storm, after the rain comes sunshine. It can also mean the sudden calm after a big calamitous event or after an argument is resolved.

  2. 4 days ago · Taifu-ikka, which translates to “typhoon passed,” refers to the incredibly blue sky after a typhoon has passed. In other words, the calm after the storm.

  3. Jan 10, 2015 · The Japanese expression Taifu Ikka, literally: typhoon once past, refers to the good weather that's often observed after a typhoon. The air often seems remarkable fresh and the sky unusually clear after a typhoon.

  4. 英語訳と由来とその後暑い理由!. 季節の歳時記と季節の天気. この記事のタイトルとURLをコピーする. 台風一過とは?. 意味は、台風が過ぎた後、空が晴れ渡りよい天気になること。. ・語源は近世気象学と小説に由来説。. ・使い方と例文と会話例 ...

  5. Today’s weather expression comes from Japan. Taifu-ikka, which translates to “typhoon passed,” refers to the incredibly blue sky after a typhoon has passed. In other words, the calm after ...

  6. Jul 6, 2020 · The days after a typhoon are called taifu ikka, which refers to the good weather which you see after a typhoon has passed. Temperature in Major Cities In terms of temperatures, the south of Japan sees the hottest summers while it is relatively cool up in the north.

  7. Nov 6, 2020 · Meaning: Bitter enemies in the same boat, rivals finding themselves together by chance, while the thunder lasted, two bad men were friends, fatal terrain forces unity. Literal translation and kanji breakdown: The character pair goetsu (呉越) represents the ancient rival Chinese kingdoms of Wu and Yue. Doushu (同舟) means same boat. What does this mean?