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  1. Jun 25, 2024 · Zhang Xueliang was conducting secret negotiations with the communists and had suspended the civil war. In December 1936 Chiang Kai-shek flew to Xi’an to order Zhang and Yang to renew the anticommunist campaign.

  2. 3 days ago · Zhang Xueliang (Chang Hsüeh-liang), Zhang Zuolins son and successor as ruler of Manchuria, was drawing closer to Nanjing and sympathized with the Nationalists’ desire to rid China of foreign privilege.

  3. Jun 7, 2024 · With Zhang Zuolin dead, the Guomindang’s path to victory in the Northern Expedition may have been easier. Zhang Xueliang, Zhang Zuolin’s son, assumed power in his father’s place, and allied with the Guomindang, producing a more serious obstacle to Japan’s plans.

  4. 1 day ago · In 1994, Zhang Xueliang decided to live permanently in Hawaii. It was the last few years of his life, and it was also the most rare leisure time. January 2, 1995...

  5. Jun 21, 2024 · The overambitious Zhang Zuolin ran afoul of the Japanese and was assassinated in 1928. His more patriotic son and successor, Zhang Xueliang, ignored Japanese warnings and decided to cast his lot with the Nationalist government in Nanjing.

  6. 6 days ago · 張學良 (1901年6月3日—2001年10月14日 [註 1] ),字 漢卿 ,號 毅庵 ,乳名 雙喜 [1] 、 小六子 [2] , 中華民國陸軍 一級上將 和 政治人物 。 [3] 奉天省 海城縣 (今 遼寧省 海城市 )人, 祖籍 河北 大城 [4] 。 其父為 奉系軍閥 首領,中華民國陸海軍大元帥 張作霖 。 張學良的前半生深刻影響了中國近代歷史進程,而後半生則被蔣氏父子囚禁。 1928年,在其父張作霖於 皇姑屯事件 中被日本人炸死後,他以東北少主的身份迅速接替並掌握了其父領導的奉系軍閥,並宣布 東北易幟 ,終結了中華民國北洋政府時期。 在1931年 九一八事變 中,東北軍未抵抗,導致東北快速淪陷於日本之手,標誌著 抗日戰爭 的開始。

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  8. 6 days ago · Yu Fengzhi (first wife of Chinese warlord Zhang Xueliang), General Shang Zhen, and Luo Jialun, President of Tsinghua University, attending Yenching's Formal Opening, September 27 - October 1, 1929.