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  1. May 23, 2024 · U of T Engineering researchers are making self-driving cars safer by enhancing tracking abilities A visualization of a nuScenes dataset used by the researchers. The image is a mosaic of the six different camera views around the car with the object bounding boxes rendered overtop of the images. (image courtesy of the Toronto Robotics and AI Laboratory)

  2. Jul 17, 2024 · Biomed was still among the six options that I was considering. However, in Engineering Physics or Biomed, you’re learning about something that already exists and already works, such as physical systems or the body. In ECE, I really like how you have the ability to create things if you’re coding something and consider more design questions. Part of it is memorizing whatever standards there are, but humans created computers and we know how they work; it’s now a matter of what we can do ...

  3. Jul 6, 2023 · We can evolve our curriculum to address the intersection of what students are interested in and what various fields of engineering need. Our foundational years establish a critical breadth of knowledge, and we can layer a wide diversity of majors on top of that foundation.

  4. Jan 26, 2024 · “With FINCH, we want to make sure the ground station software and satellite can communicate on the ground,” says Sox-Harris. “Right now, there are over 500 kilometres between the satellite and ground station, so we can’t fly up there and test whether a command has worked.” FINCH is set to launch in late 2025 on a rideshare rocket flight.

  5. Jul 17, 2023 · Selecting Your Major. At the end of your 2 nd year of EngSci, you will select a major in which to specialize. There are a total of eight majors that are very diverse and cover a plethora of engineering disciplines. Choosing your major can be difficult, but there is plenty of information to help you make the right decision!

  6. Aug 15, 2022 · Important Traditions The Faculty of Engineering & Applied Sciences has always been a tight-knit and close group that values community and traditions. Many traditions have survived from the very beginning of the Faculty and some new ones have been created along the way. Over the years many students have contributed and helped maintain a resource that documents the Skule community’s rich history and traditions. There are so many that we can’t mention them all, so here are some of the ...

  7. Jul 17, 2024 · Yijie Wang. From: Toronto, Ontario. Major: Robotics Engineering. Summer Plans: Research at the Acceleration Consortium programming robots to perform biochemical experiements. Hobbies: Reading, writing, and piano. Fun Fact: Yijie is pursuing a Minor in Global Leadership! Yijie’s LinkedIn Profile. Since starting EngSci, you’ve been on RSX ...

  8. Jul 17, 2023 · Open your phone and check your screen time. Seriously, do it now! Think to yourself: “With a busy EngSci schedule, can I really afford to spend this much time on my phone? Imagine how much work I could get done in that time!” Try everything in your power to mitigate distractions, whether caused by your phone or otherwise. Set goals for yourself and hold yourself accountable; you might surprise yourself with how easily you can achieve these goals! While your methods may vary, the result ...

  9. Feb 1, 2023 · Getting people in is easier than keeping them and supporting them while they are here. So, one goal for me is centred on continuing to build up our faculty recruitment and retention policy. If we can have better guidelines — that are consistent across the Faculty — about the way we do searches that increases the likelihood that diverse candidates make it through, that would be great.

  10. Jun 26, 2024 · Excited to learn more about the extracurricular activities in which you can take you can partake at U of T? This meetup is an excellent way to get an early start on your involvement in U of T and the Skule community!

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