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  1. The Voice of the rain” is a poem written by Walt Whitman in which the rain personifies itself to the author by calling itself the “poem of the Earth”.The rain talks about how its rises as vapor from the sea and land and floats up till the heavens where it changes its form, becomes a cloud and falls back to the Earth on the lands that are filled with drought and allows the seeds to grow. The poem is written as a free verse without any specific form in just 9 distinct lines. In the ...

  2. Mar 11, 2016 · In the poem, The Voice of the Rain by Walt Whitman, the rain is personified and the speaker of the poem asks the rain to explain itself. In response to the speaker, the rain talks about how it is intangible and pure. It talks about the cycle it goes through by emerging from the heaven, lands on the earth and then rises again. Herein the cycle is taken into spiritual feel corresponding with the image of God upon how it falls on earth and then rises. Further, it speaks about how the dust and ...

  3. Jun 8, 2024 · Based on the poem ‘The Voice of the Rain’, write a report Importance of water, Water harvesting, Saving water for future and Sustainable development class 11.

  4. Feb 29, 2024 · Answer: In the poem "The Voice of the Rain" by Walt Whitman, the rain describes herself using various vivid and evocative imagery. Here are some examples of how the rain describes herself: 1. "I am the Poem of Earth" - The rain sees herself as a poetic expression of the Earth's beauty and vitality. 2. "I am the voice of the generations" - The rain sees herself as a timeless and universal force that speaks to all generations. 3. "I am the Dance of the rain" - The rain describes herself as a ...

  5. Aug 29, 2018 · The Voice of the Rain is a poem that celebrates rain and its natural-cycle for the benefit of earth and the life it supports. In this poem, the speaker recounts a conversation he had with the falling raindrops.

  6. Oct 12, 2020 · The Poem – ‘The Voice Of The Rain’. The poem is a dialogue between the poet and the rain.The rain calls itself as the ‘Poem of Earth’.It gives a detailed account of its cyclic movement. Rising from the sea and the land, in vaporous form, the water droplets fall back on the ground in the form of rain, giving the world relief from ...

  7. Jul 18, 2017 · The Voice of The Rain: The Voice of the Rain is the sound of the rain as it falls from the sky. Explanation: It is a gentle sound, one that is often accompanied by the hiss of the air as it hits the leaves on the trees, and the crackle of lightning as it streaks across the sky. It is a sound that is oftentimes soothing and helps to clear the mind and relax the body. The Voice of the Rain is a sound that is oftentimes heard but rarely understood. A few of the glossary meanings of the text are ...

  8. Jun 23, 2018 · Summary In the poem ‘Voice of Rain’ by Walt Whitman the poet has beautifully described his unique experience he had with rain. One day he asked rain who it was. To his utter amazement the rain answered him. The rain replied that it is (Rain is ongoing natural phenomenon) the poem of earth; it has been rising invisibly from land and water bodies in vapor form and forming clouds in the sky and waits to fall back to its sources. As it descends down from heaven in drops of life, it ends ...

  9. Oct 19, 2018 · This poem, the speaker recounts a conversation he had with the falling raindrops. He asks the rain, "And who art thou?" and strangely, the rain answers, calling itself "the poem of the Earth." The rain goes on to describe how it rises intangibly (as vapor) out of the land and sea and floats up to heaven, where it changes form and becomes a cloud.

  10. May 14, 2020 · Explanation: Paragraph about heavy rain: I am so excited for the rainy season. Monsoon is my favorite season.The first rain enjoyed by me . If I come home from school in the rain, I will definitely take a bath in the rain. One day when I came home from school, I saw that it was going to rain and when the bell rang, I rushed out of the school to the rain bath. But as time passed, the rain became dense and heavy, I ran under a tree. Raindrops hit me for the first time. Heavy rain continues its ...

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