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  1. Nov 5, 2020 · The styles array from Snazzy Maps goes in the MapOptions.styles property. styles optional Type: Array optional Styles to apply to each of the default map types. Note that for satellite/hybrid and terrain modes, these styles will only apply to labels and geometry.

  2. Jul 19, 2018 · can someone help me to Add Snazzy map style to my react project. ... withGoogleMap, GoogleMap, Marker ...

  3. Now google maps is free for development only. If you want to use map free like earlier, then create an account with valid details (billing, payment, etc.) google gives $200 MONTHLY CREDIT Which is EQUIVALENT To FREE USAGE. For more details please see Googles new price details: google map new pricing. Also see the old price details: Old one.

  4. Jun 14, 2018 · 1. snazzymaps looks like a way to make google maps styles so that's for the basemap part. CARTO focuses in the overlay data you put on top of a basemap as thematic mappping. That said, the standard BUILDER dashboards can't use google maps by default, you can use any XYZ tiles service like mapbox, basemaps and many others.

  5. Jul 12, 2016 · I have been practising with gmaps with snazzy maps for custimization for my site and unable to get the javascript correct.

  6. Nov 19, 2016 · Reload your application, having the panel opened. Choose a style configuration that works on SnazzyMap and MapStyleWithGoogle but not with your application. Use it to update your current Google Map object : myMap.setOptions({styles: myStyles})

  7. Sep 8, 2016 · I have a problem with that marker does not appear. Map's styles ok, everything is ok except marker... Here is the html and javascript code... function initialize() {. var myLatLng = new google.maps.LatLng(45.431536, 4.380121); var mapOptions = {. zoom: 14. , center: myLatLng. , disableDefaultUI: false.

  8. I set up a nice map in my rails application. Everything is working fine but I cannot style the map with SnazzyMaps. Here is my map.js file: import GMaps from 'gmaps/gmaps.js'; const mapElement =

  9. Jan 21, 2015 · i put a google maps from snazzy maps into my new website, so fine so good, but if try to diasble the zoom function and the controls, is the map displayed off. how can i display off the controls and the zoom in and out ?` google.maps.event.addDomListener(window, 'load', init);

  10. Oct 27, 2016 · Try adding a transform-style:preserve-3d; and then translate the item on the Z axis to scale. If you do this: transform-style:preserve-3d; transform:perspective(500px) translateZ(-30vw) scale(1.4); perspective:1000; You're scaling UP, which should circumvent the issue.

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