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  1. Jun 7, 2015 · Jun 7, 2015. I'm assuming you are thinking of this as being a function of two independent variables x and y: z = tan−1(y x). The answers are ∂z ∂x = − y x2 +y2 and ∂z ∂y = x x2 + y2. Both of these facts can be derived with the Chain Rule, the Power Rule, and the fact that y x = yx−1 as follows:

  2. Oct 19, 2016 · Let u = x + y. ⇒ du dx = d dx (x +y) = 1 + dy dx. ⇒ dy dx = du dx − 1. Thus, making the substitutions into our original equation, du dx −1 = u. ⇒ du u +1 = dx. ⇒ ∫ du u + 1 = ∫dx. ⇒ ln(u +1) = x + C0. ⇒ eln(u+1) = ex+C0.

  3. Mar 21, 2018 · So we can find the terms of (x +y +z)4 that only involve 2 of x,y,z by combining the expansions of binomial powers, One way to see that is to think about setting each of x,y,z to zero in turn and expanding the remaining binomial. By symmetry, the remaining terms - involving all three variables - will take the form kx2yz + kxy2z +kxyz2 for some ...

  4. Sep 18, 2016 · 1 Answer. Consider Pascal's Triangle, as shown in the following diagram: The expansion of the above binomial will have n + 1 terms, in (A + B)n. So, our binomial expansion will have 10 +1 = 11 terms. We now search for the row in the triangle with 11 terms. This is the bottom-most row, with coefficients 1 − 10 −45 −... −45 −10 − 1.

  5. Aug 10, 2018 · The meaning is: (x,y) is an ordered pair of numbers belonging to RRxxRR=RR^2. The first pair memeber belongs to the first set RR and the second belongs to second RR. Althoug in this case is the same set RR. Could be in other cases RRxxZZ or QQxxRR (x,y) has the meaning of an aplication from RR to RR in which to every element x, the aplication ...

  6. Jan 6, 2016 · Final round of simplification yields: tan(α +β) = tanα + tanβ 1 −tanαtanβ. Answer link. tan (x+y)= (tanx+tany)/ (1-tanxtany) This can be expanded through the tangent angle addition formula: tan (alpha+beta)= (tanalpha+tanbeta)/ (1-tanalphatanbeta) Thus, tan (x+y)= (tanx+tany)/ (1-tanxtany) The tangent addition formula can be found using ...

  7. Mar 5, 2018 · We are asked to decide if it defines a function. If no matter what the value of the first variable, x,there is. precisely one value of the second variable, y,connected. to it inside the relationship -- then it will be a function. If this. breaks down for even one value of the first variable, it will fail. to be a function.

  8. Feb 10, 2016 · The final answer : (a+b)^5=a^5+5.a^4.b+10.a^3.b^2+10.a^2.b^3+5.a^1.b^4+b^5 The binomial theorem tells us that if we have a binomial (a+b) raised to the n^(th) power the result will be (a+b)^n=sum_(k=0)^nc_k^n *a^(n-k)*b^(n) where " "c _k^n= (n!)/(k!(n-k)!) and is read "n CHOOSE k equals n factorial divided by k factorial (n-k) factorial". So (a+b)^5=a^5+5.a^4.b+10.a^3.b^2+10.a^2.b^3+5.a^1.b^4+b^5 we notice that the powers of ' a ' keeps decreasing from 5 (which representes ' n ') until it ...

  9. Mar 3, 2017 · The pass equations are. {x = rcosθ y = rsinθ. so x = y → rcosθ = rsinθ or. ∀r → cosθ = sinθ → tanθ = 1 → θ = π 4 +kπ. so in polar coordinates. {x = y} ≡ {∀r,θ = π 4} See below. The pass equations are { (x = r cos theta), (y=r sintheta):} so x = y -> rcostheta=rsintheta or forall r ->costheta=sintheta->tantheta=1->theta ...

  10. Jul 31, 2018 · You need. sinh(x +y) = sinhxcoshy +coshxsinhy. cosh(x +y) = coshxcoshy +sinhxsinhy. You can either start with. tanh(x +y) = ex+y − e−x−y ex+y + e−x−y. Or with. tanh(x +y) = sinh(x +y) cosh(x + y) = sinh(x)cosh(y) + sinh(y)cosh(x) cosh(x)cosh(y) + sinh(x)sinh(y) Dividing all the terms by cosh(x)cosh(y)

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