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  1. Feb 18, 2020 · It is easy to see how square-toes might be shortened to square while retaining its ancient sense of fogeydom. Still, Harold Wentworth & Stuart Flexner, Dictionary of American Slang, first edition (1960) seems to view square in the sense of fogey as an invention of the 1940s: square n. 1. A full meal; a satisfying,filling meal. [Citation from ...

  2. Oct 12, 2011 · "3 kilometers square" is a square of side 3 kilometers, which has an area of 9 square kilometers. But the question is about the notation km^2, which is either "kilometers squared" -- the unit "pascal" (N/km^2), is expressed as newtons per kilometers squared -- or "square kilometers" -- A pascal is 1 newton per square kilometer. –

  3. [] called brackets, square brackets, and square braces; {} called braces, curly braces, and curly brackets. () called parentheses; While it's true I have never heard referred to as "curved braces" or "curved brackets" or anything like that, it is fine to lump them in with other "enclosing punctuation" as other answers and comments suggest.

  4. Apr 29, 2016 · The three dots, ellipsis (plural, ellipses), indicate missing text. In square brackets they indicate missing paragraphs. Square brackets, containing text, can be used in a quotation to help the sense of the extract, or an explanation, i.e. any useful text that is not part of the original quotation. Chris, freelance editor

  5. Jul 4, 2014 · In BrE, 'square foot' is often abbreviation to sf, so I might see 'This is a 1,000sf room'. Which are you trying to differentiate on, "sqft" vs "sq. ft.", or the hyphen after 1000? Please never just ask “Which is correct?”. It shows no effort on your part, and gives us nothing to go on.

  6. Square brackets are used around words that are added that are not part of the original quote. For instance, you might have a source that says "Brenda and David went to the store," but you only want the quote to refer to David as a pronoun in your quote. So you should change it to "[He] went to the store."

  7. Apr 28, 2017 · To bring (oneself) into a better position or relation (He tried to square himself with his parents.) But since the person has directly written 'squared away', so I think the second one matches better. You can get "squared away", and it means getting yourself in order. In this case, it probably means getting your life back in order after the ...

  8. Sep 9, 2018 · That is an idiomatic expression for "break up." The other words (square and even) cannot be used interchangeably in that phrase. Also, "Let's be square with each other." can be taken to mean, "Let's be honest with each other." The other words cannot be substituted in the same sense. So, no. The words are not always interchangeable. This answer ...

  9. Feb 15, 2023 · 1650s, "square," with -ic + obsolete quadrate "a square; a group of four things" (late 14c.), from Latin quadratum, noun use of neuter adjective quadratus "square, squared," past participle of quadrare "to square, make square. (Etymonline) Terms of Latin origin were often adopted in the 16th/17th c.

  10. Sep 16, 2014 · Square is a hyponym of rectangle, which is a hypernym of square. The wikipedia article Hyponymy and hypernymy says In linguistics, a hyponym is a word or phrase whose semantic field is included within that of another word, its hypernym (sometimes spelled hyperonym outside of the natural language processing community).

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