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  1. Rice cultivation covered a total of around 10 million hectares throughout the archipelago, primarily on sawah. The supply and control of water is crucial to the productivity of rice land, especially when planted with high-yield seed varieties.

  2. Oct 4, 2023 · Sawah telah menjadi bagian tak terpisahkan dari kehidupan masyarakat Indonesia, terutama di daerah pedesaan. Dalam artikel ini, kita akan menjelajahi lebih dalam tentang pengertian sawah, sejarahnya, manfaatnya, serta peran pentingnya dalam keberlanjutan pertanian di Indonesia.

  3. Sep 1, 2011 · The authors focus on sawah ecotechnology, a sustainable rice production technology. The term ‘sawah’ refers to a levelled, bunded and puddled rice field under controlled submergence, and ‘sawah ecotechnology’ indicates the technology for designing, developing and managing the sawah system.

  4. Ten to twenty million ha of sawah can produce additional food for more than 300 milion people in future. The sawah based rice farming can overcome both low soil fertility and scarce water resources through the enhancement of multi-functionality of sawah type wetlands as well as geological fertilization processes in watersheds. The sawah

  5. Aug 29, 2017 · Alih fungsi lahan pertanian terus terjadi menjadi kawasan perkebunan, industri dan perumahan. Meski telah memiliki UU yang mengatur larangan alih fungsi lahan pertanian sejak beberapa tahun...

  6. No doubt you have seen photos of golden or fluorescent green, picturesque Sekinchan paddy fields (or sawah padi in the local language Bahasa Melayu)! Sekinchan is a small town (in the Malaysian state of Selangor ) that is one of the main producers of rice in Malaysia.

  7. Sep 12, 2017 · Lahan sawah merupakan salah satu ciri kehidupan masyarakat tradisional yang umum dijumpai di beberapa negara yang sebagian besar penduduknya mengonsumsi beras sebagai makanan pokoknya, seperti di Asia (Asia Tenggara, Asia Selatan, dan Asia Timur).