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  1. Oct 23, 2023 · The class template std::promise provides a facility to store a value or an exception that is later acquired asynchronously via a std::future object created by the std::promise object. Note that the std::promise object is meant to be used only once. Each promise is associated with a shared state, which contains some state information and a result which may be not yet evaluated, evaluated to a value (possibly void) or evaluated to an exception. A promise may do three things with the shared ...

  2. Oct 23, 2023 · std::promise<R>:: promise. promise. Constructs a promise object. 1) Default constructor. Constructs the promise with an empty shared state. 2) Constructs the promise with an empty shared state. The shared state is allocated using alloc. Alloc must meet the requirements of Allocator. 3) Move constructor.

  3. Sep 4, 2024 · Coroutines (C++20) A coroutine is a function that can suspend execution to be resumed later. Coroutines are stackless: they suspend execution by returning to the caller, and the data that is required to resume execution is stored separately from the stack.

  4. Mar 12, 2024 · std:: future. future. An asynchronous operation (created via std::async, std::packaged_task, or std::promise) can provide a std::future object to the creator of that asynchronous operation. The creator of the asynchronous operation can then use a variety of methods to query, wait for, or extract a value from the std::future.

  5. Feb 25, 2024 · The operation behaves as though set_value, set_exception, set_value_at_thread_exit, and set_exception_at_thread_exit acquire a single mutex associated with the promise object while updating the promise object. Calls to this function do not introduce data races with calls to get_future (therefore they need not synchronize with each other).

  6. Oct 23, 2023 · Abandons the shared state: if the shared state is ready, releases it. if the shared state is not ready, stores an exception object of type std::future_error with an ...

  7. Mar 11, 2024 · std::promise<R>:: get_future. get_future. Returns a future object associated with the same shared state as *this. An exception is thrown if *this has no shared state or get_future has already been called. To get multiple "pop" ends of the promise-future communication channel, use std::future::share. Calls to this function do not introduce data ...

  8. Aug 16, 2023 · Creates a coroutine_handle from the promise object of a coroutine. The created coroutine_handle refers the coroutine, and promise () returns a reference to p.

  9. Oct 23, 2023 · std::promise<R>:: set_exception. set_exception. Atomically stores the exception pointer p into the shared state and makes the state ready. The operation behaves as though set_value, set_exception, set_value_at_thread_exit, and set_exception_at_thread_exit acquire a single mutex associated with the promise object while updating the promise ...

  10. Aug 27, 2021 · std::future<T>:: wait. wait. Blocks until the result becomes available. valid() == true after the call. The behavior is undefined if valid() == false before the call to this function.

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