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  1. privilege of the British Parliament, as the sole sovereign authority, to make and unmake all laws, including the constitutional law of the country. As such, we have to look to countries other than Britain to be able to form a correct estimate of the position of a Constituent Assembly. In Europe, the oldest Republic, that of

  2. Ganjam (Orissa) Marital Status Married on 12 July 1953 Spouse's Name Shri Janaki Ballav Patnaik Children One son and two daughters Educational Qualifications M.A. (Social Work) Educated at Harihar High School, Aska, Sailabala Women's College, Utkal University, Cuttak, Bhubaneswar (Orissa) and Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Mumbai (Maharashtra) Profession Political and Social Worker Permanent Address 201, Forest Park, Bhubaneswar-751001 (Orissa) Present Address Orissa Bhawan, New Delhi ...

  3. › writereaddata › InvestigativeJPCREPORT -

    SECRETARIAT 1. Shri S. Bal Shekar —Secretary-General 2. Shri Cyril John —Director 3. Shri J.M. Baisakh —Director

  4. Mr. Tajamul Hussain: Mr. President, Sir, I beg to oppose this Motion It is said that the British Parliament is a sovereign body and it can make and unmake anything. It is also said that the British Parliament, although a sovereign body and it can do or undo any thing, works under certain limitations, namely, that it cannot bind its successor, because it is not the wish of the people that the British Parliament should choose who.

  5. members / ex-members of Parliament, (Lok Sabha/Rajya Sabha) Committee's Chairmen, Leader of Opposition office, etc., regarding on-the-spot references and complete background material during Session and Inter-Sessions period. Demands with regard to Journals, Newspapers, Bills and Acts, Periodicals are being attended at the Desk.

  6. State on any citizen of India shall be recognised by any State'." The motion was negatived. Mr. Vice-President: The question is: "That article 12, as amended, stand part of the Constitution." The motion was adopted. Article 12, as amended, was added to the Constitution. Article 13 Mr. Vice-President: We shall now take up article 13 for ...

  7. the First Schedule or is a Minister either for India or for any such State ; or' "The object of this amendment is to remove a disqualification that might arise on account of the fact that a Governor of a State or a Minister is holding an office of profit under the Crown. It is desirable that the Governor of a State as well as a Minister both

  8. › writereaddata ›

    F-047, I-Block, Parliament Library Building 23035065, 23035622 rungtas Smt. Nalinakshi Trikha Director (i) Parliament Library (ii) Staff Library (iii) Children's Corner (iv) Reprography Section (v) Publication Unit. G-051, A-Block, Parliament Library Building 23034125. ntrikha Smt. Lata Bansal

  9. territory of India. It would be very convenient for these High Courts to be in a position to grant or refuse the certificate in the first instance. Therefore, this obvious and convenient course should be adopted. In case the certificate is refused, it can be taken for granted in most cases that it has been properly refused. If thereafter any

  10. India. It was only the local government part of it which was transferred or rather intended to be transferred to the hands of the Cantonment Boards and the rest of the laws of the States equally apply to the citizens of cantonments. Now, Sir, at most of the places cantonment area is exactly adjacent to the city areas.

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