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  1. Anjou is a province in northern France that produced the line of Angevin kings that ruled England in the 12th and 13th centuries. Angevins remained influential in English politics until the 15th century.

  2. Margaret of Anjou: One of the most famous leaders of the Lancastrians during the Wars of the Roses, Margaret of Anjou was also an important figure in the plays written by Shakespeare to recount the conflict. She appeared in all four parts of Henry VI—whose wife she was in real life—and in Richard III. Answer and Explanation:

  3. Margaret of Anjou: Margaret of Anjou was the Queen Consort of England and France through her marriage to Henry VI. Due to the War of the Roses, Henry VI and his wife were deposed as rulers for nine years while Edward IV reigned. Henry and Margaret regained the throne for only one year, from 1470 to 1471, before losing the throne again.

  4. Margaret of Anjou: Margaret of Anjou was the daughter of the King of Naples and the Duchess of Lorraine. She became queen of England in 1445 through her marriage to Henry VI, a member of the House of Lancaster. Henry VI was not a strong king or leader, unlike his wife. Answer and Explanation:

  5. Margaret of Anjou (1430-1482) was the wife of Henry VI, King of England, and one of the key figures in the early stage of the War of the Roses, where she led the Lancastrian charge in the name of both her husband and her son, the heir.

  6. Lady Margaret Beaufort was the mother of Henry Tudor, King Henry VII. She gave birth to Henry when she was only 13 years old while she was married to Edmund Tudor, brother of King Henry VI. Answer and Explanation:

  7. Was Margaret of Anjou a rival of Edward IV? Wars of the Roses: The Wars of the Roses were a series of battles and skirmishes for the English crown that took place off and on from May 22, 1455, until June 16, 1487.

  8. Margaret of Anjou. Margaret of Anjou born into the House of Valois-Anjou recognized as a strong and fearless woman. He led the Lancastrian faction during the War of the Roses. With the victory of the York faction in 1471 came her imprisonment but she was actually rescued dying in France years later. Answer and Explanation:

  9. Margaret of Anjou (1430-1482) was a French noble who married King Henry VI in 1445 and became a key political figure during the Wars of the Roses.... See full answer below. Become a member and unlock all Study Answers

  10. Margaret of Anjou: Margaret of Anjou was the Queen of England and France from April 23, 1445 to March 4, 1461 as a result of her marriage to King Henry VI. She was born and passed away in present-day France. Answer and Explanation: