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  1. Aug 24, 2011 · At least, no life as we know it. And later in the same episode: SPOCK: Life as we know it is universally based on some combination of carbon compounds, but what if life exists based on another element? For instance, silicon. From season 1 episode 29, Operation: Annihilate!: SPOCK: It is not life as we know or understand it.

  2. Nov 17, 2013 · There are some good answers already, but I'd just like to point one thing out: To the best of my knowledge, the H2G2 books never claim 42 is the meaning of life; it is "the answer to the question of life, the universe, and everything". We don't know what that question is, so we don't know how 42 pertains to the meaning of life. –

  3. We will probably know more when the next Half-Life episode is released. In the end of Episode 2, they mention a strong connection between the Borealis (which will probably be a fundamental part of Episode 3) and Aperture Science. It is safe to speculate that we will learn more about the connection between both companies in the next instalment.

  4. Aug 11, 2020 · INT. HOTEL HALL (MATRIX) - DAY The BLOW ECHOES deep in his mind. His eyes snap open. In subsequent versions of the script (1997 draft, 1998 shooting script), Trinity kisses him back to life. That being said, it's not entirely clear what the order of events is, her kissing him and him returning to life or vice versa.

  5. May 7, 2017 · The few flashbacks we see seem to suggest at least some component of brainwashing by physical violence, but (in real life, at least) that usually isn't sufficient to totally alter someone's personality. On the other hand, later statements make it sound like Eve has made a conscious decision to stop being "Juliette." A conversation at the end of ...

  6. Dec 22, 2019 · Having silicon-based life forms look like rocks is, chemically speaking, roughly equivalent to expecting carbon-based life (e.g., us) to look as if it were made out of graphite and/or diamond. However, this seems a very common misconception. My question is: Where did this idea—that silicon-based life would have rock-like properties—originate?

  7. May 1, 2015 · Darth Vader's meditation chamber, or Qabbrat, was a life support pod that allowed the Sith Lord to survive for extended periods without the helmet and mask of his suit. As for how Luke would know — isn't it pretty obvious when he's wearing a life support system on his chest and clearly has breathing support via his helmet?

  8. Apr 30, 2017 · A little-known fact is that the Ewoks are never referred to by name in Return of the Jedi’s dialogue; the name only appeared in the script directions, the novelization, the movie’s credits, and other spin-off and promotional materials. So, the name was set in the script already - just never mentioned. Additionally, the origin of the name is ...

  9. Aug 13, 2013 · Garry: MacReady, I know Bennings, I've known him for ten years. He's my friend. MacReady: We've gotta burn the rest of them. Also, Dr. Blair explains the fundamental process of assimilation pretty clearly: Dr. Blair: You see, what we're talking about here is an organism that imitates other life forms and it imitates them perfectly.

  10. I believe there are two warring factions in the engineer race. The first faction strives to create life, seeding worlds with its DNA. The other faction fights against this goal, by destroying that life. The first engineer we see is dressed in a simple robe and drinks the black liquid in what seems like a religous ceremony.

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